Chatham University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Chatham University know before they start?


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself not to be so worried. My senior year I was a nervous wreck. I was trying to find my perfect school, and then praying that I would be accepted. Then I worried, that even if I was accepted, would I be able to pass my classes? Some people told me that college is a kind of hell, while others said that it was the best time of their lives. But there is no need for you to worry and stress. You will do the best that you can do, and will achieve any goal if you try hard enough. You will find a school that you love and they will accept you. College is not hell. College is a chance for you to become a better, more educated person. It is a chance to learn to understand the ideas of others while constructing your own perceptions about the world and about life. There is no need for you to worry because you will try your best, you will accept what you get, and you will be happy.


If I was given a chance to become a high school senior again I would tell myself that college is no joke: have a plan, study hard, and don't give up even if others do not agree with your decisions. During the time your at college, your going to experience many different things and go through many different situations but just know if you have a goal, stick to it, and strive to achieve it.


No matter how hard things get, always keep working.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice it would be to be lesse stressed about everything. When you are stressed nothing gets done and it affects your moods and grades. You need to be very seriouse about grades and studying but its also important to be relaxed and have a good time. You need the streneouse studying and the fun breaks in order to get good grades and be sucsessful in college. When I get stressed I procrastinate, that only cuases less studyign and school work to get done. The best advice would be to avoid procrastination and do school work and study ahead of time.




I would tell myself to try ittle harder. Becasue my grade weren't bad in highschool, they could have been so much better. I would also tell myself to relax and that the anxiety does get better. The last thing i would tell my high school self is that for a while we were lost and scared and didn't know what was ging to come next but dont worry because we found our way.


As a high school senior, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. Twelve years later, I am working toward continuously evolving goals. I still don't know exactly where I am going, but I do have a postitive attitude and an understanding that the journey is the destination. Waiting on a moment of certainty is not worth while, I would simply ask the me of the past to keep moving forward.


If i were to go back in time and give some advice to myself, the advice i would give is to stop slacking off, stop skipping and focus on school because your going to regret it in the future. go to class pick up a book and start studying because life is hard outside of high school and you wont get anywhere being lazy. i would make sure that i was focused and ready to succeed, instead of trying my hardest to make it in life.


My advice to myself would be to keep pushing and never give up. I would also tell myself to believe in myself and get as much money as I can to pay for school.


Knowing what I know now about my whole college expereince, I would have attended Chatham right out of high school. Anything worth working for is usually worth it in the end. College can be fun. But it takes some work and patience to accomplish. But, it can be accomplished if you allow yourself to set a goal and work towards that goal. Then finally accomplish that goal or goals.