Chatham University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Chatham University know before they start?


Dear Meaghan, You are about to go to college for the first time, and I have some advice to leave you, being a college sophmore now. One, school will be MUCH harder than you think. You will be challenged more than you ever were in high school. Guess what? That's okay. You are going to need these challenges that will test your strength and determination in the coming years. Two, don't be bitter about the fact that you are an out-of-state student. Your friends who remained in Wisconsin will annoy you with how much they want to go home, despite being two hours away. Use perspective, they are just as homesick as you. Finally, you are stronger than you think. You will accomplish so much during your first two years, and it would not have happened had you not challenged yourself. Don't stop wanting to be a better person. Ever. Signed, Meaghan


I would tell myself to go with the flow and not get so stressed about choosing a career right now! Being in college really allowed me to expand on my interests and goals and realize what I want to get out of life and my career. I initially started studying forensic science, and completely changed to wanting to be a physician assistant. I even transferred schools! I would tell myself to get excited for college, because there is really no other experience in life like it. Really enjoy the time there and the friends you meet. Make sure that you take all the information in that you can because you will need to know it! Mainly, just relax and allow things to happen as they happen.


The biggest piece of advice I would give to myself is to make sure you get involved on campus. Just going to your classes is not enough. It is important to be involved with clubs or other organization. This is because you will have the opportunity to network with these organizations when you are out in the work force. Also, make sure you do some sort of internship. The point of going to college is not just getting the experience, it is making sure you have all the tolls you need to get the job and career you want. In order for that to happen, one must really be proactive on using all the resources that are available at the university.


If I could go back in time I would have taken more advanced placement classes to help myself better prepare for my college experience.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to work as hard in college as I did throughout my high school years. Since I saw the rewards I received by being a dedicated student, I would realize that the same could be true during my college years. By continuing to be a conscientious student, the transition to college life would be much smoother. Another thing I would tell myself would be to become more involved in extra curricular activities. By doing this, it would make it easier to meet new people and make the transition smoother for everyone. Finally, I would recommend to myself to take a college class during the summer of my senior year to get a better insight into what colllege life would be like.


It gets easier. Starting a new chapter in your life in foreign territory surrounded by foreign people can be exciting if you let it. You'll grow as a person and even surprise yourself a little. If you keep your focus, you'll go above and beyond your expectations. Even if you get a little distracted or diverted, which will happen in life, you'll even eventually find your way back. No path is perfect nor is it linear. Don't be afraid to not go linear.


I would tell myself to find as many scholarships as possible and not to slack off because it only gets harder in college. Also I would of tell myself to be better prepared for what's to come. College isn't just parties and friends. I would look back and ask myself "Is soccer really that important to you?" because playing a sport and doing school work is difficult.


Work hard. Take your work seriously and do your best on every project, test, and paper. Having good grades and a good work ethic will help you in the future. As well as in the jobs you work at. Your boss can give good recommendations and help prepare you for future careers. Play sports. Play as many sports as you want and can. Not only will this help you with having a "family" at school, but will keep you active and fit. Be a leader. Join clubs and become executive members of them. Keep yourself involved and try new clubs out, you never know what you will like and who you will meet along the way. Be yourself. Although you may want to impress everyone around you, ultimately it will not matter if your the most popular person. People really respect you when you are real and are true to yourself. Finally, Have Fun! After doing everything you need to get done, find time to spend with friends having fun. These people will help you get through all the tough times and new experiences that you will have in your new "adult life." Love Life! It goes way too fast.


I would tell myself the truth. I would let myself know that the transition isn't easy, but it's definitely worth it. All of the problems and hardships I experienced during my freshman year led me to the friends I have today. Without the difficulty I wouldn't have what I do today. I would tell myself that things get better once you know the ropes. I would let myself know how happy I am today with my academic career, friends, and plans for the future so I could see how pushing through the hardship leads to success.


I would ultimalty tell myself to apply to differnt schools, I love chatham but wish I went to PSU.