Chatham University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Chatham University know before they start?


To take time in life to,get something out of high school and injoy it. Life is what you make of it ,is all upto you to do something with your life. The choice is yours its up to you to make something of yourself,were do you see yourself in ten years. What do you want for yourself and your kids can you make a diffirences,what can you change. How can I have made things better for them by staying in school and going to college finsh what I started sooner.


go in with an open mind, study hard and push yourself


If I could go back there are a few things that I would tell myself. The first is that the boyfriend is not everything, and though it may be hard to leave home and be away from him and the family, you will get used to it, and achieve the goals I have placed forward. Secondly, be open and friendly to your teamates and your roomates, for they will become the best friends that I can ever have. Thirdly would be to not stop looking for scholarships, schooling is expensive by itself, but adding in books, food, and the things I need for laundry, clothing, bathing, and food besides that of the dining hall is expensive, and mom and dad are not going to pay for it. Fourth would be not to go home in the first few months, because you lose some of what we call the Chatham Experience. Plus you also take more time in order to make those valuable friendships, and study groups. Lastly would to be study hard and study often, the tests are harder than what the professors say they are, and if you miss even one class, you will be extremely lost.


The advice I would give myself as a high school senior would be to challenge myself and take harder classes. My senior year I decided to take easier classes and co-op so that I would be able to work more. I was transitioning more into the work world then to the college life. I would tell myself to take more college prep classes and also to retake the ACT. My ACT score was not my best and instead of proving that I decided to accept it. I went to college two weeks after I graduated and because I took it easy my senior year it was hard to get back into doing homework all the time. My advice would be to stay focused on school and not to take it easy my senior year.


If I were to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to look in a mirror and ask myself what I really want. I knew my major already, but I did not know the cost of fulfilling my dreams. I would have told myself to push myself harder through classes, take more difficult classes, and to be the best I can be. Although I always try to live up to this expectation, it's completely different in college. I care a lot about my grades and should have cared even more in high school. I would've told myself to work harder to bring that GPA up even more. I also would have told myself to get a job and to save my money. I would have made less mall trips and would have had alternate plans with friends that could save money. My school costs roughly $40,000 a year, so I am going to have a lot of loans to pay off. I wish I would have known the value of a dollar in high school, because now it means my future and how far I can go.


Look, I wouldn't have told myself to slack off or not apply to all the colleges I applied to, but as someone who massively stressed out over the applications process and ended up applying to twenty schools, I would have told myself to chill. Right now, I'm attending, of those 20, the very last one I applied to, the one I thought was going to be an extreme safety school. It's not that I was rejected from the other 19, in fact, I was only rejected from three, including what I thought was my "dream school." But now? I'm at what is my new dream school. I'm happier than I've ever been in my life. I'm not attending a name brand high quality institution, and the new college me couldn't care less about that fact. I just wish I could have told my senior self that the name of the school doesn't matter. It's the people who make the college, not the name it's been given.


I would make sure that I had a fantastic planner so that I could make sure to keep track of all the new and exciting things happening in my life, even homework. Take advantage of all free time, sleep and eat well, make new friends even if they don't seem like your friends from highschool, and experince new things and make new memories!


Make sure that you pick a school where you feel you will be comfortable living for the next four years and maybe longer. Make sure you make the choice not because someone else wants you to but because its where you feel like you fit in.


I would tell myself not to expect that things would go as I planned. And I would warn myself to not be so hard on myself for failures in areas, I hadn't expected but instead treat them as learning experiences and accept them for what they are so I could become stronger for them. I would tell myself to try to ridthe bad procrastination habits I let grow over my waning days during high school, because they were harder habits to kick then I expected.


The best advice that I could give students about finding that perfect college is to think hard about which one best fits for you. Don't go to a college based on certain activites that wouldn't be helpful to you. Don't choose a college because your friends are goin or beacuse your parens are forcing you to go to a certian college. Ultimately, the college you decide to choose is goin to effect you. Make sure it will effect you in the best way possible.