I actually love this school and wouldnt change a thing about it. It has more then enough programs to enter as a freshman. It is plenty of opportunities here and i would love to earn my degree in biology from this school. The student,prefessors and the enviorment are very good.
The worst thing about my school is a question that I cannot answer. I honestly do not feel there is anything that I would consider absolutely bad that I would say it is the worst thing. It takes a lot of organization and people to run a college campus and I feel as though the institution does this well. Of course there are minor problems at any campus you may run into but there is nothing I would consider as the absolute worst thing.
The worst thing about Clark Atlanta University is the time period for some classes. Some classes are only an hour long and that is NOT enough time for me. Sometimes the class time goes by rapidly and then it's time to leave.
Clark atlanta Univeristy has its problems, but i still love my institution. Everyday the people of my university work harder to improve the minds and bodys of our fellow students while also tryin harder to improve our campus as a whole. I wouldnt consider there to be a "worst" anything about CAU. Its a growing process and everyday its getting better.
As a Historically Black College and University, I believe that Clark Atlanta University should become internationally known outside of the black communities. Even though it is a black college, Clark Atlanta University should want to become known in a more diverse aspect. I believe that the same way Ivy League schools have gained respect and attention throughout the world so should Historically Black Colleges and Universities. By becoming internationally known would help enhance the opportunities for African-Americans and other races. This would show Corporate America that minorities can succeed beyond what is expected of them.
What I consider to be the worst thing about my school is it's high tuition cost that literally drains families and students of money and also puts a load of stress on students that just want to get a great job doing what they love the most.
I have only been attending this school for a semester, beginning my second. As of now, there is not anything that I can say is the worst thing. Every school have certain flaws but it can't make everyone happy. With me, I feel that the school is okay and it would be worth it upon graduation.
I would have to say the worst thing about my school is the finacial aid process. Although the counselors, and advisors do try and help us get settled there has been plenty of problems with the sytem and also how everything is organized. Most of the time we end up waiting 1-3 hours to be seen and then are only spoken to for a minute. I feel that although we are adults we are still seen, treated, and sometimes spoken to as children.
For every good thing about something, there must be also a negivtive aspect to it. Being that it is a social and networking school, people seem to get wrapped up in the social events and loose there sense of priority. Another thing I would consider to be bad about my school is sometimes I feel like my money is not being used where it needs to be. My school also needs to work on there enviromental responsibility and start recycling and cutting back on excess wasting. Our public safety could use some tuning too because it is an open campus.
The worst thing about my school is the location. Even though it is located in the Great city of Atlanta it is located in a bad neighborhood.