Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Clark Atlanta University? Why?


It is underfunded. Because it is a private institution , it does not recieve nearly the amount of money that it should so scholarships are hard to come by


The worst thing about Clark Atlanta University is at the beginning of each semester financial aid and student accounts offices are always chaotic, in which makes your registration process long and tiring.


The worst thing about Clark Atlanta UNiversity would have to be the Financail aid line but that is at all HBCUs. Since fall of 2007 they have worked on it and it has gotten extremely better. Do know this You have the resorces to be successful but they will not be given to you, your simply shown where to go and what to do. It is on you to make things happen.


The only thing I disliked about my school was the Financial Aid office. The office is not good at giving students money for school. The end of first semester I had made the Dean?s list , I went to the Financial Aid office to see if I could get a scholarship and they still told me NO! My Family Contribution was too high; I felt if that was so accurate I would have not taken out a loan to attend. I felt like I worked really hard for those grades and did not get any award in return.


not enough financial aid


The one thing about Clark Atlanta I dislike is the financial aid. The office there is often too congested and it makes it hard to talk to anyone. The tuition is very expensive and I feel like if the office were more organized, fewer students will have issues.


The worst thing about school was the shifts for the cafeteria because breakfast was over too early and dinner started and ended early as well too.


The worst thing about my school is the financial aid. It is the worst because in some way there is always a problem with it. Although it gets resolved, there is still some kind of problem.


The cost of the school. Clark Atlanta is very expensive and the financial aid department needs new staff. The staff can be unfriendly due to the stress of angry students who have not been financially enrolled.


The areas surrounding the campus because it's ghetto, ugly, and should be rennovated.