Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Clark Atlanta University? Why?


The financial aid we do not get enough money to attend school it is a major struggle.


The surrounding neighborhood isn't the best one.


The dorms because they are pretty old but other than that, there is nothing else.


The financial aid lines and the lack of charity given by alumni.


Finanical aid is not well organized and they don not give many scholarships.


What i would concider to be the worst thing about my school would have to be the neighborhood. The neighborhood is not all that great although Clark Atlanta University encourages there students to clean up around campus.


The worst thing about my school would be the student assistance with housing, financial aid, and regestering for classes. For years the school has accepted more students than they could house leaving them to make last minute arrangements to stay other places. Student loans are very difficult to get approved so some students end up having problems paying for school. the school doesnt have reasonable payment plans for tuition, asking for nearly 80 percent up front. and alot of students dont graduate on time because they are not told of alot of requirements for graduation geared towards thier career goals.


The worst thing about my school is financial aid.


The fininancial aid office is VERY slow when it comes to processing paperwork. I am on a scholarship but they don't process my scholarship until the last day. They are also very bad about getting back to you when you send e-mails or leave messages.