Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about my school is that it is friendly . The campus is like a family students and staff get along and respect each other equally.


The best thing about Clark Atlanta University is the class sizes. As a student I was never comfortable sitting in a class with more than 50 students at a times. At Clark Atlanta Universiy class sizes are small, which makes classroom settings more personal. Students are able to have a personal relationships with prpfessors.


This is my first year coming in so, I can't really say . What really interest me about them was their motto. "Make a way or I'll find one".


its small so it aloows for more one on one time between students and professors


The best thing about my school, is that everyone here seems to have a goal and they all have different ways in achieving it. The school may be an prodiminately black school, but it so diverse in many different ways.


The campus livliness because the campus is never dead and is always loud and obnoxious.


What I like about my school is the morals and core values they instill in us. Your motto is: " I'll find a way or make one" so there is no excuse for failure. In addtion to that they always encourage us to give back to the community.


Clark Atlanta University is a very prestigoius institution. I admire several aspects of my school. If I had to choose the best thing about my institution, it would be the diversity among all the students. Although we are an Historically Black College or Insitution, students from all over the country attend this school. I have met people from various states who have different cultures than I do. This allows me to get a feel of what the rest of the world around me is like.


The best thing that about my school is the class sizes. The reason why is because every student get the attention and help needed.


I like how everybody at the school is somewhat friendly, and comes from all of the world to attend the school.