Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


I would say the psychology department and counseling center.


The best thing about my school would have to be the professors. They are willing to take out extra time to help anyone who is willing to ask for it. More specifically, my professors worked with me to help me compete three weeks of work that I had missed due to me getting enrolled late. The professors are strict when it comes to their work and class time but they also know that things happen in life and they don't mind working with you.


I consider the best thing about my school to be the familiar atmosphere because as a freshman away from home it was important for me to feel like I belonged and was safe.


The best thing about my school is the different opportunities they have on campus. This school has a lot of history, which I never knew about. If you ever get the chance to visit this school during open house, you won’t regret it. The staff here is amazing. They are helpful, consistent, and they are there when you need them. When you attend Clark Atlanta University you are attending a whole new world. A place where everyone is warm and understanding. I’m happy I chose this school and can’t wait to start my sophomore year here.


Though Clark Atlanta University has many positive attributes, the best thing about CAU is the traditions and legacy that comes with being a student here. From the beginning of orientation, even through the classes which you take. The school offers a strong stance on the history behind CAU. I see it everyday walking through campus. The pride that each student shows just being here is evident each and every day.


Knowledge is power. Education offers a means to learn and speak a different language in our society and acts as a platform to assist with guiing individuals with a foundation to live the full expression of his/her greatest potential. Education or going to school elevates your intellect and helps polish skills and helps a person gain diverse insights.


The best thing abous CAU is the fact that the teachers are so close to the students. It makes the students feel a comfort when in class, we feel comfortable enough to ask question and get help from our teachers with out feeling any type of embarrassment.


The best thing about Clark Atlanta University is their ablity to care about the well being of the whole student. CAU focuses on making sure students understand the importance of having balance within their life. CAU students are taught how to manage education, social, community, and spirtual elements while attending CAU. They want to make ensure CAU students leave having an understanding of the importance of balance throughout their duration at CAU and for the rest of their life.


The fraternity and sorority life is very active on campus and parties occur often. The professors are very diverse and really seem to care for most students and attempt to help certain students pass.


The best thing about my school is how interactive the staff is with the students. Professors are so easily to get in contact with whenever a student is having trouble with something. The dean, provost, president, etc help make the University better in providing programs that help us with our studies and learn about different things that benefit us. The students are willing to work with each other to help build the schools reputation and make our learning standars higher.