Clark Atlanta University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The best thing about Clark is it’s a historically black college. HBCU's give a different perception on how to view and live life. In schools that I attended, black history was only taught during black history month. So to go to a college where learning is based around history of African Americans is interesting. I’ve taken on the motto, “You don’t know your future if you don’t know your past.” Without knowing history of my people, I won’t know how to live my future; because I’m attending Clark Atlanta University I know both.


The best thing about my school, Clark Atlanta University is that along with the acidemic perspective of school to do well, we are also expected to be able to deal with many different people and become socially capiable of handling and dealing with others in the "real world". I know that when i leave here i will be a well-rounded individual.


Band. I'm in band now and i love it. If you have a passion for music or you're a music major then this is the right sport for you.


he best thing about my school is the courses


I consider my classes the best thing about my school because all of my teachers are fun and interesting and keep my attention 24/7, I can not honestly say I have been bored in any of my classes.


I consider the small teacher to student ratio the best thing about my school. I learn better in a small atmosphere. Also, the one on one experience that I gain with teachers is a benefit. The teachers know majority of the students' names and it is very easy to talk to them and ask for help with anything.


Ithink it is the history of the school, the business program, and the fact that the school is part of the Atlanta University Center.


The smaller sized classroom settings are the best parts my university.


The best thing about my school would be the social and networking established there since the two top majors are business and mass communication. Because it is located in a major big city, there are numerous companies surrounding my school which aid in finding jobs in your related field and starting careers. Also, it is taught for how to dress, talk, and manage your way through the coorporate world for great success. If nothing else is learned here, it is taught how to communicate and present yourself professionally and well.


The best thing about Clark Atlanta University are the welcoming hands. From orientation to the first day of school all the way to graduation, you feel welcome by the student body and by the administration as a whole. Every walks of life would come together to share the past, and welcome their future with you. I have met the most amazing people, from pastors' sons and daughters to individuals that had to rise themselves. The experiences are priceless.