Clemson University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Clemson University?


Most of the professors are good; however there are some that are mean and disrespectful. Most professors I've had have known my name; however in larger classes of 100 or more they do not even know who I am. I think when you graduate from Clemson you will be able to find a job. Clemson keeps its students well prepared for the future ahead of them by offering so many opportunities for success.


Some professors know my name, although I wish more would make the effort to do so; My least favorite class was probably calculus, although there are many that could take the cake; Class partcipation usually helps my grade out a lot, and I don't always speak up in class; I feel like in my department they change their minds a lot, so I'm not always exactly sure what is going on


Professors are absolutely available and willing to meet with students outside of class. The most unique class I have taken is a Plants in Medicine, Magic, and Murder lecture. Don't be fooled, however, it is NOT interesting. But for the most part, classes are inspiring and I hardly ever feel like I am wasting time by going to class. I am in architecture and it is unbelievably vigorous but so eye-opening and I enjoy every minute of it.


Yes, my professors know who I am. My favorite class has been Construction Scheduling. It is a very down to earth course and I learn the exact steps of the construction process. My least favorite class was Structures, this class is more for engineers and architects and we got thrown in there and it was tough and I won't use much of it ever again. Students study at least 2 hours a week at the minimum. Class participation is a good part of most classes. Students are very competitive, and intellectual. My major is Construction Science and Management. It is an awesome major because it's small so you have the same students is your classes most of the time and the same teachers for different classes so you have a chance to get to know your peers and teachers on a personal level. Clemson academic requirements are fine, the are challenging, but achieveable. My education is geared toward getting a job.


Over the course of my two years here I would say about 90{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of my teachers learned my name. Sometimes classes are larger and it's harder to remember all those students but they would know my face. If you make a point to talk to your teachers and show them you are interested in class they will learn your name. I loved English 103 and 214 even though I don't really care of english that much I had an awesome teacher so it was great. I also love my management classes (which is good since I'm a management major). My least favorite would be Chemistry. I just didn't understand it but I did have a great teacher so it was a little better. I think it depends on the student and subject. There are some classes I don't have to study a lot for because I just get it, it comes naturally but some classes I have to bust my butt because it's challenging to me. Yes, most professors exprect class participation. Sometimes it even counts as part of the grade! So far the people I have met from my major/department have been very helpful in aiding me in understanding what I have to complete for graduation. I meet with some professors outside of class durning their office hours if I am not understanding something in class or to review a test. (I guess that's what this question means) I think some of the Gen Ed requirements are silly for certain majors but I think Clemson does a great job at giving students the opportunity to choose what Gen Ed classes they want to take. I think Clemson does a great job and gearing things to getting jobs. They host job fairs at least twice a year as well as mandatory interships for some majors.


Professors of my smaller classes (30 or below) know my name but in bigger classes they don't. My favorite class at Clemson was English 103, a class required for all freshmen to take. My class was such a tight knit group and my teacher was so friendly and flexible in assignments that she made the class interesting to be in and I looked forward to going to class each day. The amount students study depend on their major- I would say that engineers and chemists have a bit more work than communication and business majors, although everybody does a decent amount of work for their degree. Class participation is common in the smaller classes where it's easier to communicate with the professor. I personally have not had many intellectual conversations outside of class other than with my roommate, but I'm sure other people do. Students are competitive to some extent, but it seems more that we're looking to help each other out not compete with each other. The most unique class I've taken is packaging science. I found it very interesting and enjoyed learning the random information that I would never think to take a class about before. My major is Graphic Communications-I love it. The department head wasn't exactly the friendliest with me when I wanted to switch into the major but he finally let me and now I'm enjoying it a lot. One of the advisors I talked to did not give me much advice at all, which was pretty frustrating but the other one I've spoken to was very informative. However, I ended up in a harder physics class that I was required to take instead of an easier version offered because I was unaware of the options I had. I don't spend much time with professors outside of class other than short informal visits right before or after class to clear up questions. Clemson's academic requirements are fair--they force you to take classes that are for your major and give you a list of 4 straight years of classes to be sure you complete your degree on time. However, this schedule does not give us that much time to take electives and explore other areas, which I am not too fond of. I think education at Clemson is geared towards getting a job but growing from the experience.


Even in large lecture classes the professor is usually very personal and learns students' names and faces.-My favorite class at Clemson so far was a Lit 212 class. The professor was phenomenal.-Students seem to study a lot here.-Class participation is common.-Clemson students have all types of conversations outside of class (yes, even intellectual ones).-Students don't appear to be very competitive. Everyone is hard working but there is no tension that I have experienced.-My major is English. The staff in the department are wonderful and helpful. I love literature and literary discussions. Any of the professors are willing to engage in them, too.-I have spent time with professors after class when there are lingering questions and thoughts following a discussion.-Clemson's academic requirements are resonable and practical.-Clemson education is about learning and exploring your possibilities but is equally balanced with the priority of preparing you for the career field.