Clemson University Top Questions

What are the academics like at Clemson University?


The academics are very good and have a good reputation while you are in college and also when you graduate. Of course there are there fair share of professors that are more difficult than others, it is like that anywhere.


It wasn't until my senior year that I realized how much the professors care about their students. Every one of the professors in my major know my name and gave extremely detailed references when applying for jobs. They are willing to work with you on projects and see you as more of a colleague than a student. Clemson has an intellectual environment. There is a wide diversity of students, and the college strives to bring diverse cultural events to campus. I came from a small high school with relatively little diveristy, and Clemson was a great change. The Clemson application process is very competitive. Not only do they require high grades in high school, but your high school courses are important as well as a wide array of extracurriculars. Clemson strives to attract not only smart students but students who are involved in their school and community.


I'm not going to lie, Clemson can get very difficult at times. It all depends on your professor though. So if you can pick the good ones. A great website to go to is Overall, the academics, at least in education, are not so hard that it is impossible to get a degree here. You really have to stay on your game plan though and study.


Classes at Clemson are generally small. Most of my classes have about 30 students in them or less. There are the huge lecture classes with 100+ students in them, however, the university is trying to get these class sizes down. I think that students on campus study an average amount. You can see students studying in the library at any time of the day, studying and a lot of times socializing, but I really think the emphasis is to do well in classes and to study as hard as you can. In the English department in particular, class discussions are very common. Most classes consist of students sitting around throwing ideas around and discussing literary theory or literary works with a professor who mediates and guides the conversation. Some of the majors offered at Clemson, such as Engineering or Nursing, are geared toward getting a job, but in the English department the emphasis is on getting an education and learning for its own sake.


- I wouldn't say many of my professor still know my name now, although they may recognize me. -My favorite class was definite Structure of Fiction with John Warner -Least favorite was probably statistics -Students study A LOT. Hard to gauge how often; I study almost every night. -The English department is sort of in construction at the moment; I don't spend time with profs outside of class; I have no inclination to do so. -I feel that the English department has some serious improvements to make; I also feel that the requirements, especially for my major of Writing and Publishing, are somewhat extraneous and unnecessary. -Mostly, I'd say it's towards getting a job, but being an English major, I've seen little assistance from those in influential positions to help the students


My professors do know my name. I think most students study an hour to 30 mins a day, but not all at once, just a little bit between classes anda t night, and then study a lot before tests (thats what I do). Class participation is common and in a lot of classes required. Students are not really competetive and me and my friends don't have extremely intellectual conversations outside of class. The most unique class I've taken is probably my Sexuality in the Cinema class. My major is English, so I write a lot of papers, but I liek that more that taking tests.


Some of my professors know my name, but I'm mostly in big classes, so I don't hold it against them if they don't know my name. My most favorite class is my English class from the first semester and my math classes. I'm good at both and both seem really easy. I'm just a little lazy when it comes to doing the work, but I still like them. My least favorite class was Computer Science 101, and it's sad. Let's just say I may not be meant to be a programmer or whatever they are trained to do. I see students study Sunday through Wednesday. There are a few that study on weekends, only a few. Class participation isn't as common as I thought it would be. Most classes, students just sit there and look at the professors, which I find funny sometimes. I don't spend time with professors outside of class. I'm thinking of changing my major from computer science. Like I said, it isn't for me.


Most of my professors know my name. My favorite class was a small, laid back class, CU 101-Nursing. Students study sunday through thursday, religiously. LOL.


Yes, my professors know my name. My favorite class was my Communications class from last semester. My least favorite was Psychology. I see a lot of people in the library all of the time, so I guess students in general study a lot. Class participation is very common, and intellectual conversations do happen outside of class. The most unique class I've taken is Guitar. My major is Computer Information Systems. It's hard, but I'm doing okay. I do talk to my professors and advisors a lot. The education prepares you for the job world and gives you a little extra information for the road.

