Clemson University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clemson University know before they start?


My parents were very good with preparing me for college ever since I was in middle school. I knew that hardwork and dedication were key to success and in order for me to have a fulfilling future I needed to excell in school. I worked hard throughout high school to ensure that I would be able to receive an acceptance letter from the college of my choice. I was more than happy to achieve that goal;however, if I could go back in time and tell myself one piece of advice it would be to stop and enjoy people and life. While working hard in school, there are times where you overlook the joys of being alive. I learned at Clemson that grades are very important but life experiences are just as important. I have become more open to people, I have become happier, and I have grown as a person overall. Without Clemson University and the community that I am now surrounded by, I don't know if I would be the person I am today.


High school leaves us with a painfully small worldview that desperately needs to be expanded or we are destined to live out the arrogant, American stereotype. College years are typically marked by personal growth, so take advantage of this natural expansion in worldview. First, establish a set of morals/values with which to govern your life (these could be dictated by a religion or personal standards) and then embark on a journey to gain new experiences. Hold fast to your principles, but don’t evaluate these new occurrences based on your personal values. Rather, step outside of yourself and appreciate all culture for what it is rather than what you think it should be. Travel to become culturally savvy. Achieve fluency in another language to better express yourself. Question everything to fight intellectual complacency. Take care of yourself by eating properly, exercising often, and napping when you are tired. Most importantly, take time to talk with and invest in other people; each individual you encounter has a wealth of unique life experiences from which you can expand your worldview. Only by truly experiencing other cultures is it possible to gain a better understanding, and ultimately an appreciation, for our own.


From what I know now, I would like to say to myself to prepare more than what I am preparing for now. Honestly, when I look back I am glad I made the decisions that led me to where I am. Yes, I am a year behind my major, but I do not regret it. I had the chance to meet the people I met and it was all worth it. All the classes I took to transfer in was perfect and the transition was very smooth. I would urge myself to be more confident and ask when it needs to be asked. Anxiety is normal among everyone, but how we overcome them are different. I would tell myself to be not afraid and stand strong. Find a way to provide for my family and study harder. Learn as many study techniques as I can and do not procrastinate. Practice and buy any books that would help me be two steps ahead of everyone. Keep practicing and improve my flaws. The flaws are what may be holding me back/behind everyone, so if I want to be ahead DO NOT BE LAZY. There is no time for my flaws...


You're going to love college. Relax, don't worry about classes being too difficult, just focus on meeting the right people. Relationships with other students are the best thing about college. Friends can help you study and ace tests or relax and forget the stress of a challenging schedule. Just know that you are going to be fine and have a great time at Clemson.


I'd tell myself, "Don't fear the unknown. Sure, there's always a chance things may not turn out like you planned. But, there is always a chance that things could be better than you ever imagined. If you make decisions based on fear - fear of leaving home, fear of not fitting in, fear of failure - every decision you make henceforth will be driven by fear. But, if you take a chance now, do the slightly uncomfortable, and make the decision that feels a lot scary but also a lot right, not only will you be surprised at how well it can turn out, but you will grow, and live life without shrinking back from that which you may not know or have yet to experience. Easy and safe, are exactly that, easy and safe. It is our challenges, our struggles, and our risks that make us. I'm not saying it won't be hard, and I'm not saying everything will turn out just right. But I am saying no matter the outcome, it will be worth it. You'll have no regrets, you'll respect yourself, and you'll be better for it."


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to apply to Clemson instead of Erskine. (I went toErskine College for a year before transferring) I would also remind myself to get involved on campus during my first year of college instead of waiting. College is more challenging than high school, but when you find a balance between social activities and academics, you will be fine. Apply for as many scholarships as possible right now!


I would give myself the advice to be myself, not worry about popularity, and to dedicate myself in all aspects of school. I would seriously want to take more part in high school activites and apply myself more in class. I always did great in high school, but would want to put more emphasis on the importance of school becuase you are on your own in college and the more you apply yourself the better off you are. I would apply myself more to school on an AP level so that I was ahead for college. I would give my self the advice to participate in student government and aspects of leadership ooppurtunities. These bits of advice would be a more sturdy foundation for me to have when I entered college.


As a college senior I only went to school 3 classes and then worked the rest of the day. If I could give myself advice I would say, take all 7 classes and get involved with the things at school, that will keep you out of the trouble you are going to get in at home. Stay away from that boy you think you are "in love with" because he is bad news. I would tell myself everything. I would say " hey Gretchen, he is going to get you pregnant and leave you." Oh well, if I knew then what I know now I wouldn't have a wonderful 13 year old son and had the opportunity to learn some of the greatest lessons I have learned. I wouldn't change one minute of the life I have, I just wish I would have waited a few years to start it and done college first. I probably wouldn't be struggling so hard to pay for it if I would have been able to go right after high school.


The advice I would give myself if I could tell myself as a high school senior is to enjoy every waking moment of your high school life, go to football games dressed in the high school colors, make plenty of friends, try going out on the weekends and not stay stuck in the house studying for a test that will happen on Wednesday, do my homework as soon as possible so that I could do the things that I enjoy most, read more books that entertain you, break out of my shell and try new things that I think I would never try before, and keep being the person that I am every second of the day, because it keeps you going, even in college.


Knowing what I know about college life and making the transition, I would give myself the advice to take more Advanced Placement and dual college credit courses. I would let myself know that challenging myself before college would give me a great advantage in the college classroom, and I would challenge myself to study and research topics applicable to my future major. I would make sure that I saved money every month, make a budget, and ensure that I apply for as many scholarships as I possibly could. With the academic and social obligations, I won't have much time to employ myself in the work field as much as I did while in high school. I would give myself the advice of remembering to build stronger bonds with family and close friends, and I would make sure to push them to excel beyond societal expectations. I would also research all possible extracurricular activities at the institution of my top choices, and I would plan ahead and decide which organizations I would join. Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, as a high school senior I would advise myself to take advantage of every opportunity.