Clemson University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Clemson University know before they start?


My advice to myself as a high school senior would be to listen to what you think is best for you, not what others opinions of what you should do would be. It is very hard to be a senior in high school. Everyone is trying to tell you where to go to school next and how to do it. Do not let your true self and dreams be determined by what other people think. If you want to go to fashion design school, so be it! If that is not what you want to do, then you do not have to. Going to a school for a major that does not interest you will only make going to college more difficult. Trust me, college can be very difficult. You will have so much homework it will be coming out of your ears. At times, you will want to give up. The worst thing you could do is give up on a dream that you have helped yourself to acheive. Do not end up like your future self by letting others critisism and judgement effect what you want to do. You can make history if you live your dreams.


I would go back and tell myself that everything will be okay. When I was leaving to go to college, I was extremely nervous. Would I make friends, should I join a sorority, what should my major be? But the truth is the answer just comes. You will figure out where you are meant to be in due time. And everyone is in the same position that you are in. This is a new experience to have with new friends. These four years will fly by, so take one day at a time and remember that everything works itself out.


Don't be afraid. It will be the best thing you've ever done!


learn to study and spend more time on it. studying is more important and your scholorships and finacial situation depend upon it. all things in moderation, restrict partying to only weekends. doing well in college depends upon a delicate balance of studying hard during the week and bowing off some steam on weekends as to not lose it but school should always come first.


I would say to choose Clemson, and make sure that I do some of the extra-curricular activities to get into this school.


I would tell myself not to worry too much about what everyone else thinks and what everyone else is doing. In the end, very little matters, and it is your own experiences that define the value of a college education.


The advice I would give myself is to take school and my education more seriously because without it is very hard to get the kind of opportunities that you could get if you had one. I would tell myself to focus more and put that extra effort in and try to do my best.


I would tell myself to start over when I got to college classes-wise. AP credits and dual credit classes are good preperation in order to make you more ready for classes at college, but I don't think they should be used in place of college classes. Taking transfer credit from a tech school wasn't a good idea, because it wasn't a good enough background. Classes at Clemson are much more difficult than technical school classes. Even if you'd taken it somewhere else, it would be a good idea to take it again as a refresher. Also, search out the academic success center as soon as you get here, and the second you feel like you need help, go there and get it! The people are willing to help or find someone to help you, there is no need to struggle the whole semester through a course by yourself.


Go into college with the attitude that you need to excel in each class. A "C" isn't good enough!


I would tell myself that college is going to be alot different than high school. I will need to except that there will be people who are very diverse and that you cannot accept someone at face value, you really need to get to know people. I would tell myself to be friendly and get involved in different activities to get to know people. I would tell myself that I will need to work hard and learn to balance my time between academics and social activities. I would remind myself that this will be one of the most exciting times in my life and to make the best and most out of every situation.