I would tell myself look at more school, visit some classes, meet with an advisor to see how cooperative they are, stay over night with a student, and check out the sports offered and the ones that are popular.
Going back to my senior year in high school, there are a few words of advice I would give myself regarding making the college choice that would best fit my personality, goals, and academic desires. When making the college decision, it is crucial to tour the colleges or universities that you are considering attending. Touring each campus allows you to not only see the physical and landscape settings, understand the historical significance, or meet professors and academic advisors, but it allows you to feel a sense of student life. In my opinion, student life is one of my most important aspects of your college experience that changes how you live your life and learn your studies throughout your years in college. If you truly take all of these pieces into consideration when deciding what is the right choice of a college life for you, then you will make the best choice that will help make your college experience enjoyable and exciting, full of learning new things, and leave yourself feeling happy while you do it.
I would tell myself to focus and spend more time researching what you want to do for the rest of your life. Have an idea of what career you want to do when you finish school. Also spend more time studying and focus on your grades because it will save you the most time and money in the future! I would tell myself to stay focused on school and stay devoted becaouse the four years will be gone quicker than you think!
If I could go back in time to my senior year of High School, I would tell myself to make sure I am prepared. Not only prepared academically, but mentally and financially as well. Although college is said to be the best time of a person's life, it can also be one of the most trialing times in a persons life. All the work a person recieves from their classes can take a serious toll on them. I would tell my self to prepare to and learn how to handle many assingments at one time and to not get stressed out. I would also tell myself to search for as many scholarships as I possibly can to help support me in school. Right now my family is financially struggling to put me through school. Clemson University is a very expensive school. For students, such as myself, who come from families with not enough money to put their child through school, college can be very stressful. Last I would tell myslef to never give up and keep the final goal in mind. My goal is to become a cardiologist, and I will achieve it.
I would tell myself to hang in there. In high school, I was a stellar student, possible too motivated. I would urge myself to seek lasting relationships, not just acquaintances. I have learned that academics is not everything. I graduated high school as valedictorian, but with just myself to congratulate. It was a truly lonely place, like staring in a mirror for four years. Now, I feel more balanced in a great university with people who share a passion for agriculture. In the beginning of my years at Clemson, I thought I could tackle education on my own, and I hit a rock bottom. But, I climbed out of that hole I dug with a renewed passion for people and learning. Grades are meaningless; acquiring functional knowledge is everything. As a child I never understood this statement, but now I know it all too well. The more I learn, the more I realize I do not know anything.
The advice I would give to my high school self would be that I should worry slightly less. Study just as hard, but enjoy my time. I will grow to be a smart driven person and will make the best friends that I will keep for the rest of my life.
Well, I graduated from high school a year early. So the first thing I would probably do would be to go to highschool for all four years instead of three. Net I went to a technical college because I though it would make the transistion eaiser, which it really did not. The only thing transfering did for me was get me a lot of electives. I would choose the same school, however, because I absolutely love Clemson. If i had to choose a different school it would have been College of Charleston to study marine biology.
I would say to be confident in the person you have become and the person you want to be. The place where you are headed is going to offer you ample opportunites to make new friends, and succeed academically. Don't be afraid of what lies ahead. Yes you are going somewhere where you know no one and where you will be expected to live and function on your own for the next four years. But know this your family, friends and the friends you will soon become close too will offer you support the whole way through. So go have fun, do what you hearts tells you to and never look back.
I would tell myself to get involved in more extracurriculars and be more outgoing when meeting people. Also, don't worry as much about the small stuff. As long as your are doing your best and everything that you can, things will works out the way they are meant to. Lastly, stay closer in your faith, a lot of things would have been a lot easier if you stay close to God.
I would tell myself to make more friends and form more study groups. I would tell myself to take all the extra help and tutoring seriously. I would also tell myself to work really hard and get my work done before socializing with friends. I would also tell myself to save, save, save all the money that i possibly could.