I have recieved many things from my college experience. One main thing i've gotten out of my college experience is how to manage time. Not only that but I've learned how to budget my finances better and i also became more independent and responsible with decisions withing life.
The most valuable thing i have taken from my experience in college is a more clear view of the person I would like to be in the future. I came to North Shore Community College knowing only that I had no idea what direction I wanted to take my life in. This college has helped me recognize the possibilities, and at the same time, decide on which course to continue. Every semester points me in a new direction on this course and I know that at the end, I will be successful.
Since I have now completed my first semester of Northshore Community College during the Fall of 2010 and have graduated high school the previous June, I have gotten a few things out of college. I first learned that you learn more about yourself and what you want to do once having exposed yourself to different classes and subjects. Though I only take 2 classes per semester, after I took Composition and Elementary Algebra I learned that college can be both fun and difficult. I also learned that college is not for everyone. Though I go part time and take two classes, I still spent many hours completing the coursework and was amazed at the difficulty level(from someone who did well in high school). What's also an important experience I got out of attending community college was that it has given me the chance to learn new things and take much more interesting courses than I ever would have gotten the chance to in high school. Furthermore, the priceless education I have recieved and will continue to receive is down the street from where i live and affordable.
My first year of college has taught me that college takes a lot of dedication and hard work. Attending daily is valuable to recieve all the crucial information that is needed to succeed.
As a college student i've learned to be more independant. Although some of my experiences have been not that pleasent i've learned a tremedous amount about time management and helped me to better take care of my personnel affairs such as taking out loans and knowing how to calculate things on my own. i value my knowledge and i wouldn't want it any other way.
Coming to a place like Berkeley, you learn so much more than knowledge that one can achieve through reading a mere book, I have seen the many facets of diversity that our society holds, from the variety cultues we have to the various types of individuals you can come across. After a year and a half, I feel as if I have grown up more than my entire life prior to college combined. As you grow up, you see things that you don't see as a child, and good versus evil becomes solifidied and your naive eyes fade away. At Cal I have be taught by world reknown professors and I have a limitless future ahead of me after college because of my experience here, and I see that. My knowledge is beyond that of words written on paper, and I know that going to a place like Berkeley, has wholeheartedly contributed to that factor.
I grew up right outside of Columbia, SC. Columbia is a fairly large city where it is always easy to find something to do. When i was accepted to Clemson, I was wary of the "small town" feel to it. I was used to driving through stop lights and large buildings on either side of me. But when i came to Clemson it was the complete opposite. Just across from my appartment are fields...... Cows live directly across from me. I have come to love the country feel of this University and wouldn't trade my experience for anything. Even though I have lots of fun at Clemson, that does not mean there have been no hardships. As with all colleges, Clemson has a daunting academic prestige. Finding the perfect balance between school and play is essential to success in college. I guarantee anyone will have the best four years of their life if they can attain this balance. I would highly recommend Clemson University to anyone, especially if you are someone who was not raised in a "small country town" like i was.
So far, I have have been more exposed to the real world and how it's like living independently. Now a days, I see things more differently and I seem to work harder to get closer to my goals. The school has really taught me a lot of the value of hard work and the results I get for it. Even though I still have a few years left before I graduate, this school has made me into a better person than I was before. It has made me more outgoing and perspective.
The reason why I came to Clemson was because I want to become an architect. Since I have been here, I've realized how much i love my major and the importance of loving what you do. When you love what you're learning, you seek more information and you become successful. Also, I have met so many people and made really strong friendships that I know for sure will be life-long relationships. I've also learned to manage my time and to prioritize everything i do. So far, i've had such a blessed and amazing experience and even though college work is difficult, I would never trade it for the world.
I am the youngest of four in my family and I am the first to attend College. Being a Latina makes it sometimes complicated to over grow family roots and traditions. In my family most women are married and are stay at home mothers but not me. As a College student at HCC I have grown both intelectually and personaly. I have lived experieces that has help me understand my want to become a Elementary Teacher. My believe is that the practice of learning habits begins at an early age and I want to be able to teach children the skills they need to know. My goal is to become an educator to pursue a career and not just a job I truly believe that with high perseverance I will be able to meet my merit. Making the decision to attend college was at first questionable thinking how am i going to attend. I dont have the sufficent money what can I do? Having the benefit in working in a high school gave me the chance to meet with college representatives. Reading my budget HCC was a fit and I registered taking the chance of my lifetime.