College of Lake County Top Questions

What should every freshman at College of Lake County know before they start?


Do not be disappointed in the fact that you did not get the scholarships you needed to go to Northwestern. Instead of wallowing in your own self pity, take the initiative and go straight to CLC. Once there, get the best grades and get as involved in Student Governemnt and Phi Theta Kappa as you can. I promise you that if you can do this, scholarship opportunities to attend the rest of your college career for free will be opened up to you. Have a good attitude. Plan out your week and chip away at the over burden of work until you reach success. Make friends with people who believe in making the best out of life, and do not ever forget the goals we established for ourself in high school. Believe that when you try your very hardest you will achieve the very best. But above all else, don't take failure to seriously because there will always be another chance to start again. Don't stress yourself out. Everything is easier if you budget your time wisely. I hope to see you where I am today soon.


Jackie, don't give up. Don't ever stop trying. You are more than just some mass of cells and organs walking around on some big rock in the universe. Don't let anybody, I mean ANYBODY ever tell you differently. There will be obstacales in life that are scary and seem impossible. There will be times where you lie in bed and cry. Pick yourself up the next morning and try again! Explore yourself, explore your world, and keep trying new things until you find THE thing that you love. I have finally found it, but I know there was a long, rough road behind me. You can achieve anything if you work hard for it, and that's what you need to do - please, work hard. Please don't let anything get in the way of your dreams. Yes, grades are important in college. Talent is important in college. What's most important, though? Motivation, determination, preserverance, and positivity. Stop saying "maybe", stop saying "what if", start saying "I will" and "I can". This is what I wish I did more during this time, and this is what I would love to tell myself if I could.


I would tell myself to stay focused on what is ahead and that education is important. The popualrity isnt important because its the people that accept you that matter. I would tell myself to find myself sooner. I would tell myself to go straight into business instead of engineering because that is what i am good at. I would save up more money and start working sooner. Just remind myself that staying true to myself is all that really matters.


You should have asked more questions in subjects like Enlgish and Math. College is the best decision you can make, so work harder, study more and apply for scholarships. Another thing, go volunteer more and join clubs your intrested in. Never give up no matter what the issues are at home, school, or work just remember your only goal in life is to become a veterinarian. The funny thing is in High School you hung out with good/bad crowds, stick to the good crowd. Why? because you are who you surround yourself around. Surround yourself with people who have the same goals as you.


I would tell myself to work work harder at applying for scholarships. Working full-time while going to college is not easy. I would also try to prepare myself more for the transition and tell my high school self to be more confident. I am smart, I am strong, I am a great person. I think when I was 18 I was definitely more worried about what other people thought of me than i was about school. I would tell my high school self not to worry about that and to concentrate more on being honest to who I am. I would also warn my high school self that life doesn't get easier during or after college, the responsibilities continue to pile up. High school is the time to work hard and play hard, I would tell myself to treasure those moments more. I don't know if anything that anyone says can change your direction but I would try to give myself as much warning as possible.


Join Choir, apparently there is one. Take advantage of the electronics courses first. Take statistics first.


focus on school because your grade will come back to bit you in the a**.


I would tell myself not to slack off senior year. I would say apply to more schools and actually look for scholarships then. School acceptance letters and scholarships don't just arrive at your door, you have to work for them and put in the time. Friends and making memories are important, but planning for your educational future should be the number one priority. I would also remind myself to send out my AP test scores so I don't have to take a bunch of classes over again.


As a high school student, I excelled in academics and athletics. I graduated in June of 2000 excited to have been accepted to an out of state college. While there, I was a full time nursing student and also participated on the women's golf team. I struggled through two years of being far away from home, traveling with the golf team and trying to keep up with the course work of the nursing program. It has now been almost ten years since that journey began, and I have come leaps and bounds from the girl straight out of high school. Knowing what I know now, I would tell the eighteen year old me to wait to go to college. Although I was a good student, I was not truly prepared for the committment of the nursing program and golf team. After those two years, I gained experience and maturity working as a certified nursing assistant; my love being hospice. Now, as a twenty-seven year old woman I look back at all that I have accomplished. I am excited to bring all that I have experienced into the classroom, which will benefit my course work and college experience.


I graduated from high school two years ago and in those two years I have learned a lot about life. If I could go back and talk to my senior self, I would tell her, "Life gets better. All of the freedom you desire is coming soon and the opportunities are endless. Do not fear the unknown; the unknown is what makes life worth living. The life you know in high school is not real life. Everything is planned out for you now, but hold on, honey, life is an adventure and yours starts now. Never quit chasing your dreams and never left anyone tell you what you can't do. Live life the way you always wanted and remember: No Fear. No Regret. "