College of Lake County Top Questions

What should every freshman at College of Lake County know before they start?


I would tell myself to get involved when I first started. I would remind myself that I know it's difficult to start somewhere new and not know many people but the real thing to focus on is personal growth. Currently, I still see myself grow - I am more outgoing than I was when I first started. I am highly envolved in Student Activities Department at my school and am loving every minute of it. I have found some of the most amazing, and inspirational people because of Student Activities - Phi THeta Kappa and Program Board...Sometimes I just wished that I had became active sooner. So I would stress the importance of involvement in school as well as continuing to excel grade wise.


If I was a ghost watching over my high school body, while she ws filling out applications while applying for college, I would definetly give out the advice to start off at a local community college. It can save money, if the family is in a financial crisis, with the recession going on, and it could also help f one isn't ready to go away, it is close enough to home to not feel homesick. A second advice I would give my high school body, is not to procrastinate on filling out scholarships. If one procrastonates, then the opportunity of gaining money for college . Lastly, I would tell my high school body to fill out the financial aid form, even though one may not need it in the beginning, it could become helpful later on in the semester.


When I was in high school I did not understand that it was the beginning of my future. If I were to go back in time and talk to myself about the college experiences that I have had, I would explain that high school is the start of your college career. You need to put your all into everything that you do in order to ensure that you will have a bright future. It may seem that high school doesn't matter all that much, but really it is the gateway to getting accepted into your dream college and getting that job that you have always wanted. You need to prove to yourself and others that you deserve everything because you worked hard to achieve your dream... Because hard work and dedication leads to a lifetime of happiness.


If I was able to go back in time I would tell myself to take a greater interest in my community and to take more diverse classes. Along with that I would have to give myself the advice to try different clubs and be more involved in my school. Definatly I would like to find a faculty mentor and help me learn more about my future profession.


An advice I would give myself would have been to study more in high school and take it more seriously. In doing so I would have been able to get a higher gpa and lead to better opportunties. I see now how college isnt all fun and games. I take my work more seriously and study a lot more. From this I seen greater improvements and my gpa. Overall I'm much satistfied in my school work.


If I could go back in time to talk to myself about college life and making the transition, I would tell myself to focus a little more on the choises I had to make within the next few months. College life can be difficult, but it does not have to be. Yes some of the classes in college are more challenging, but you are growing up and you need to take more responsibilities for all of your actions. College life can be the exact same as high school life if you want it to be. I just takes working on your classes maybe fifteen minutes to an hour or so longer. Pay as much attention to your school work and ask as many questions as possible. The transition is not that difficult either; all it takes is going to the college a few days before your classes start. Walk around with your class schedule and find where all of your classes are located. Make sure you purchase all of your required books and supplies so you are prepared for your first day. I made friends on my first day so do not worry about that! College can be easy!!


As a senior, the year is filled with many occasions that will mark the end or the beginning of your future. It's so easy to slack off at the end because you feel like you need a break because you've worked hard for the first three years. But finishing strong is the best thing you could do! Just going through the motions of school and doing the minimum to get by is not enough. In college, your professor is not going to be holding your hand telling you to start focusing and get back on track with your school work. If you practice that now, it will become part of your character to finish something to the best of your ability. Staying focused on what is important is key to because there are going to be a lot of distractions that are more fun than studying of writing a paper. Just do what you need to do first and the have fun later. It really pays off to be prepared for a test than just studying the night before. Work hard for what you what because what you want is not that far ahead.


I would tell my self to be prepared to get involved. Just because you work doesn't mean you don't have time for school activities. I would also say, read ALL of the assigned readings not just the chapter summaries, and also take really good notes. Also, don't be afraid to ask the professors for help, often times they are more than willing to help you.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior about college the first thing I would tell myself is don't think college is going to be like high school. I made it through high school without studying a lot, I tried that I college and I realized that I would need to work a lot harder than I did in high school. I would also tell myself that I would have to prepare myself to use a ton of will power to be able to study and do the homework and listen durning class.


Make sure you schedule your time wisely. Sometimes a project takes up more of your time than you originally think. Take all Placement and Proficiency tests before you start your very first semester; otherwise, you may need to take another semester and end up graduating late. Teachers are here to help, do not feel like you're an idiot for needing and asking for help. It is way better to ask a teacher for help than get a poor grade on a test. And who knows, you might get enough advice to raise your overall grade from a C to an A. Stress can overwhelm you, know what helps you destress and use these tools often. Studying is very important, but do not forget that balance is crucial. Homework has the potential to take over your life; don't let it control you. Having fun with friends once in a while is important. And on the subject of friends, do not be a recluse. You need to make an effort if you want friends at school. A simple smile and saying "hi" can go a long way. And ask students for their opinions on classes and teachers.