College of Lake County Top Questions

What should every freshman at College of Lake County know before they start?


I would tell myself to not spend so much money on stuff and save for a better computer, first and foremost. Secondly, I would tell myself to go take a class on how to study and prepare for college level courses at CLC in addition to working for the year I took off from college.


If I could talk to myself as a high-school senior, I would tell myself you'd switch majors after a horrible incident at one college. I'd also tell myself it's hard to follow your dreams knowing that no one will help fund for the school you want to go to. I'd also tell myself that college is a lot better than high school in some ways like choosing my own schedule and freer communication with your teachers, but a lot worse in others like trying to make friends. I'd tell myself that even though I have what others consider "disabilities," that I shouldn't be treated differently than everyone else because of them. I should be given the same oppotunities as everyone else and I need to fight for those oppotunities.


I would've cautioned myself to save at least $10,000 in emergency money and save enough to afford health insurance. However, it is quite possible that by working to save money, I would likely have been stuck in a condition of poverty and therefore not have ever afforded to go to school. I've had to pay a $12,000 hospital bill out of pocket and have paid for much of my tution/rent/food that loans and financial aid didn't cover. My experience has taught me how financially dangerous it is to be lower to lower-middle class and illustrates how hard it is to gain upward mobility through the stratisfication and education. It illustrates the need for social change with respect to healthcare as a fundemental human right and with respect to education as a fundemental necessity in overcomming class barriers.


Take atleast a year off to save up money for tuition and supplies unless you can accomplish obtaining a scholarship. When you do start school make sure you keep up with all your work on time and go to all of your classes. If you don't understand something make absolutely sure to ask questions for clarity on whatever is going on.


The first thing I would tell myself is, no matter how bad things get, keep going! I would remind myself to work hard and do the best I can. Even though I attend a community college, I need to have my grades as high as possible. And although it is hard for a senior to stay completely focused on school, I would remind myself that it will really pay off in the end. Education is key to a future. I would make sure that I sit down with a counselor and really try to understand all of the opportunities that are out there. Listen to any advice that the counselor can offer and never undermine myself. Basically, the times when I really felt hopeless, I would try and encourage myself that it is worth all the trouble, and will pay off in the end. And to never forget that you can do anything you put your mind to!


As a senior, I was enrolled in an independent study program which allowed me to have tons of free time even with the college courses I used to take. I received over $900 a month from social security due to my mother's death, had my own car, partied, had so much freedom - I felt I was living the life. But at the time, never realized that college was going to have such a huge impact of my life. Now that I have graduated, I don't receive my benefits anymore. My life is 10 times harder financially and the stress is taking a toll on my body. Besides the money I used for bills, I now regret blowing hundreds of dollars every month just to have fun - I wasn't thinking ahead. I didn't realize how much money, time, and dedication it was going to take to pursue my dream career. I would give advice to my senior self to start thinking of my future and to think ahead. To prepare myself for the commute, finances, work, stress, and dedication into pursuing my future career. Basically, that I'm going to struggle but make the best of it.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have great advice to give myself. I would be sure to mention how important it is to get good grades in high school. With good grades and ambition you can get anywhere and maybe even earn scholarships to help pay for school. I would also make sure to add, there are millions of classes offered to students. This is extremely important in helping any student discover what is interesting and maybe even direct them to a career path. Last, I would explain the importance of getting good grades in college. Participation and effort will take one far. Hard work really does pay off and in the mean time it is a great feeling of achievement.