Colorado State University-Fort Collins Top Questions

What is your overall opinion of Colorado State University-Fort Collins?

Is Colorado State University-Fort Collins a good school?

What is Colorado State University-Fort Collins known for?


it is welcomin, nothing in mind, way too large, strange they are like " why CSU?", lory student center, good adminstration, maybe 75{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} school pride in students.


My biggest complaint about CSU is the night life. I can never get away from the frat boys. Doesn't matter where I go I'm followed by (what seems to me) the same group of boys.


Fort Collins is a good choice to go to school. Less expensive and better than most other Colorado Universitys. On the down side it is a big college town with lost of students but too spread out


The location is the best thing. I would change the parking. No opinion about size. They react by simply stating, "oh, that's cool." In the student center or PACE. Def. College town. I do not have any experience with much of the administration. Yes there is school pride. I will alway remember how hard it is to make friends if you are an older transfer student. Again parking.


The best thing about CSU is that because of its' large size, there are so many opportunities for everyone and every interest. I have found so many clubs and organizations to be part of because there is something specific for all of my interests! I spend most of my time in the Rockwell lab because it is a great working facility and there are always people I know so it's like a mini-community that I really enjoy. I think school pride is definitely lacking, except for football games. Students just seem to care when they have the opportunity to get drunk, or when our athletics are doing really well. I really enjoy attending CSU and would recommend anyone come here! I will always remember walking to class on one of the first days of fall freshman year and looking across the IM fields and lagoon towards the mountains and thinking "this is what college is all about."


CSU is amazing. The people here have learned to leave high school drama behind and let their true personalities shine through. Students are here because they want to be here and it is rare to find someone on campus who does not like Colorado State. Fort Collins is the perfect sized town for just about every type of person, especially those who love the outdoors.


One major thing I've noticed since I've moved here and that is the "college town" is slowly fading. The "college town" aspect to Ft. Collins is changing into more of a family town. I feel the school itsn't doing doing anything to suport the students.


The best thing about CSU is that it is located in Fort Collins. I would change the amount of parking on campus. I think the size is just right. People do not really have any reaction when I tell them I go to CSU. Most of my time is spent in the business building on campus. The administration is okay, but it needs a better variety, at least in my major. The biggest controversy was about our school newspaper and something they printed. There is some school pride but it could be better. I will always remember the football games.


I'd change a lot about CSU. I wish that we as a student body respected past traditions more, or at least recognized or participated in them. I wish there was more school pride, and/or more fans to support the athletics. I wish we had a better Ram athletic teams across the whole board. I am not happy with my adviser, who apparently just got fired, so now I can't complain. I wish there would be someone who recognized the fact that the speech department needs more classes, teachers and facilities. But overall, I love the town, and the life in it. Everything is so close together and friendly that it makes it easier to go to school and be yourself. I think the school is great and has a great reputation standing behind any past, present or future grad.


i like the campus because everything is relatively close together. One thing that i'd change is a bigger student center. I think my school is too large. Many people think its bad that i go to a state school. I spend a lot of time in classes and in the library. It is kind of a college town. I think CSU's admission is fair. The most recent controversy was the presidential candidates. There is no school pride because our sports suck. My freshmen year roommate. Sports here SUCK.