Columbia College-Columbia, MO Top Questions

What should every freshman at Columbia College-Columbia, MO know before they start?


Try to always stay with your friends at parties. Don't ever be caught alone unless you really know the person. Pick a major that you are truly interested in and would enjoy working at for the next 50 years. Concentrate on your homework and study hard for tests as the higher placement at graduation will make you a more favorable candidate for a position later. Stay away from "users" - people who will take money, things and all your energy because you might find yourself "starting over" at the age of 50. Stay directed and focused in what you want out of life - time passes quickly - don't squander it, and never settle for less than what you have dreamed your life will be like.


I would tell myself that you need to do as well as you can in the concurrent enrollment and advance placement classes you are currently taking. Take more of these as much as you can because tuition in college is so expensive and right now, your education is free. So please take advantage of these opportunities. Also, begin to apply for as many scholarships and grants as you can so that you can begin to win free money to help pay for your college degrees since you wish to get your PhD in whatever you decide to go to school for. The more that you apply for the greater the chances are that you will win them. And lastly, never give up. College life is very different from that of a high schooler because now you are an adult. Work and school now play into effect, not just one or the other. Never let anyone get you down or stop you from obtaining your educational goals.


I would have taken my classes more seriously and dual enrolled in more college courses. I dual enrolled my senior year but now you can do it beginning with your sophomore year. I would have had better study habits also. And payed more attention in math and history.


Paige, I know everyone says to you, "you have your whole life ahead of you" the truth is; you do and you don't. Please consider putting your energy into pursuing knowledge. How do you know what you like (or do not like) if you have not tried a variety things? Give yourself the opportunity to explore how fabulous you are and can be by actively participating in the college experience. It is okay to feel uncomfortable and uncertain, EVERYONE has these feelings. Pretend you are confident and seize the opportunity to go to school and learn things. Try taking a class that scares you or take classes that speak to your heart and soul. Be brave, take risks, and learn so that you have the tools you need to build a beautiful life and share your wisdom with others. I love you and want you to be happy today and in the future.


study more nd attend your classes because you have to do both in college


I would tell myself to just enjoy the process. To stay centered and seek my Higher Power's will for me. Find something that I really want to do with my life. Not just a job but as a career. Once I figured that out, to pursue all avenues of education, not just formal or classroom education but experience life and enjoy the process. The opportunity for education is such a privilege in this country and I will NEVER regret an education. I'd tell myself not to stop ( barring it's my higher Power's will of course) attending classes. Swallow my pride and get a loan if need be, but continue with my education because life will get complicated and busy. The over all theme I think is just to enjoy the process. Enjoy each year of life and have fun learning. Even the worst class will only last a semester.


There is so much I would tell myself as a high school senior. The first being that high school is only one portion of your entire life and that those experiences are important, but not as important as preparing for college. I would tell myself that college is important to me and success is possible despite being the first in my family to go to college. I would tell myself to focus on the journey and let the destination come together from there. I would also suggest that I slow down and realize that there is a lot of life to live after college in the form of a career, marriage, and family. I would warn myself against the choices I made that sie-lined me from getting my degree right out of high school. I would also tell myself how proud I am of myself that despite working full-time and being a wife and mother, I never gave up on the pursuit of my undergraduate degree, have graduation in my sights, and have applied for a Master's program.


First I would share a quote that I love and has inspired me throughout my life. I feel it is a good set of words for not only college life but even after when you get into the work force. "When you're down to nothing, God is up to something. The faithful see the invisible, believe the incredible and then receive the impossible." To me this means that nothing is impossible and anything IS possible. So even when life gets tough and school on top of it all seems to never end, you will be done at some point and you have to remember that you can use the tools you learn to make a life for yourself!


When I was in high school, everyone always made such a big deal of what school you chose. I always thought it was over-rated and that I would be successful at any school. But I was wrong. I based my first choice on a school that I thought was pretty. In addition I loved how big it was. Altough, once school started, i realized how difficult it is to be successful in classes with 500 other students in it. I have no transfered to a school where the staff actually cares about your academic achievment, my proffessors all speak english as their first language, and I am able to see the board with ease. I have also found that getting a four year degree is well worth the money, so find the school that fits you best and worry about the cost later. It is most important that you get the best and most efficient education possible.


Do the research, check out as much of the school before you decide. Once you are at the school commit to it.