If I could go back and give my high school self advice, I would definitely say to take the time to study. Saying "no" to friends who want to hang out or to Netflix is the best option. Studying correctly doesn't have to be a burden, and you realize that after you take tests and realize that you remember the material, just not exactly what the answer is. It is not hard to still spend time with friends while keeping up a good study routine. It really isn't. You can study with friends or on your own in the learning commons or library. It's such an easy thing to do. Everyday after dinner you should take the materials from that day and study them, then look at the material you'll need for the next day. If you stay organized, then procrastination and cramming will be a thing of the past. You know you are a smart girl, you just need to stay motivated. Just think of your future as a vet. You know you have to work hard if you want to save that little girl's pet cat.
Wow! High school was almost 40 years ago. I was a good student and studied a lot of times when I didn't need to. If I could go back in time I would tell myself to be more deligent in my school work, make the subject purposeful and interesting, and don't let anyone tell me that I wasn't good enough. Luckily, I was never a procrastinator about my work. I didn't like being unprepared for that pop quiz. I would tell myself that it is never too late for college. I have chatted with quite a few students at KCC about their high school years and a large percentage of them say they hated it, didn't like studying, and/or dropped out. I never did think of ever quitting. I loved high school and would go back in a heartbeat. My GPA would be a 4.0 instead of a 3.0. Not being one of the popular girls, my grades were my identity. I would say "always strive to improve, never give up, and dream as big as you can while you're in high school." I would tell Lynn to "Go for it!"
I would tell myself that being involved in on campus activites is important, but to make sure my studies come first. I would tell myself that studying for college courses is much different than high school course studying so to find the best way to study and stick with it. I would also tell myself not to let other people tell you that you can't do something. I would tell myself that no matter what anyone else thinks that I am capable of achieving anything and everything that I could have ever dreamed of and more.
SAVOR EVERY MOMENT. I know it is so cliche to say, but time flys, even when your not having fun. So, have fun! In highschool it is soo easy to get caught up in who is wearing what and if you will make the varsity team or if you have lunch at the same time as your best friend. Looking back now, almost 6 years later, I can't remember most of that stuff. I remember moments and people and school dances.. I remember that it was the best time of my life and whenever i'm asked if I could go back it time, where would I go? My answer never changes.. it's always highschool. I would tell myself that whatever hard times I was going through, they would pass and only build my character. I would tell myself not to rush growing up, it will happen sooner than I ultimately want it to. I would remind myself that although lossing that boyfriend or friend feels like the end of the world, it only the start of something better. I would tell myself to make mistakes and learn from them, smile, grow, feel something new.. Savor every moment.
I would tell myself to take the hard classes do sell yourself short. Take as many as you can and to get really involved in school go to everything because you will miss out on alot. Get to know different people because in college all you do is meet tons of different people. In high school really push yourself don't settle for less and don't let anyone bring you down.
The two most important aspects of choosing a college is the availability of a quality program in your academic major and class sizes that offer you the degree of instructor attention that you desire. Often high school students tend to chose a college based on the facination with the sports team for that school or the social opportunities. While enjoyable in the short term those aspects may have little correlation to a degree that will afford you a successful career in the long term.
Before entering college begin developing the self-discipline to recognize when you need to study, when you need to rest, and when you can relax and party. Failure to keep a balance to those areas of you life will cut your college career short.
If I could go back in time and tell myself something about college it would be that I need to learn to study better. Also, I think I would tell myself that I should push myself harder to make better grades so I could get more scholarship money. I would tell myself that High School is nothing like College and that I should prepare myself more. High school did not teach me to study and did not teach me anything that I could use in College; therefore I would tell myself to take harder classes that would better prepare me for the hard college courses.
Enjoy your time in high school and the simplicity of the senior year. Although college is a great opportunity and life changing, it can be stressful in learning to juggle all balls in the air at the same time. Learn how to study and what works best for your method of learning so you can quickly incorporate that skill in college. Time management is key in college, so paying attention to how your family manages their time and the senior year and activities is important. The most important advice however, is to be yourself as a senior, for that will carry you forward in college and in life.
I would have deifinitly went to college straight after high school. I wasted a lot of time after I graduated because I had a pretty good job making decent money and let the importance of education slip away from me.
I wish Iwould have come with a friend from back home, I think I would have warmed up to the new enviroment quicker and would of had someone to talk too.