I have a profound bilateral hearing loss. At the time I lost my hearing I did not quite understand my condition, but as the time went on, I grew to know that she meant I would never be able to hear like a regular person again. I felt so alone and unaware of my surroundings. People would laugh, and I would not know what the joke was; people would cry, and I would not even know why they were crying; it was complete and utter silence. The only sound I was able to hear was the ringing in my very own ears that gave me such a headache almost every day.
My best advice to any parent or student trying to choose a college is that you should always find a good medium between friendly people and a good academic reputation. Even though the schools that focus on academics are usually thought of as being hard, these schools are the best for getting your money's worth and getting a valuable education. Making sure that people around the campus are friendly and helpful is also a way to ensure that you will never be alone. There will always be someone to talk to or ask for help because everyone is so willing to help you!
keep your damn money go to a public school
Choosing the right college is one of the biggest disicions a student can make to enhance thier future. I would advise the student and parents to go visit all of the colleges that they are intersted in to make sure that college is the right fit for them. The student also needs to pick a college that offfers the dergree that the student is interested in. One big choice is wether or not the student wishes to attend a large or small college. Large colleges will offer more different types of classes and activites and a small college will have a great student to teacher ratio and therefore the student will be able to have beter use of the professors time.
A college experience is a once in a lifetime opportunity that will change your life forever. To make the most of your college expericene stay involved with campus activites, participate in class, and always strive to do your best. Students will meet some of thier life long friends in college and by being involved with activites you will meet those close friends. College is a big commitment and well worth finding the right one and enhancing the experience.
Don't be scared of on campus groups, it's the only way that your kids will be able to function at CU.
make sure you visit the campus you intend. and your first impression is 99.9{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the time right. take a look at the students, what do the looks on their faces say? if you have the oppertuinity to sit in on some classes; what does the professor seem like?
Don't freak out. There's a college out there that will suit you. Small town colleges are sometimes a good alternative to large state schools. A lot of federal grants and scholarships adjust to different schools, so a private school isn't always more expensive. Explore the options and remember that the school that you choose your first year won't necassarily be the school you attend throughout your college career. Just stay focused on the overall plan and the small details will be easier to decide on.
My advice to parents and students would be to explore many different colleges. Pick the one that you feel most comfortable at and the one that you can afford. Also a little bit of advice for students, do not be afraid to ask your teachers for help. They are there to help you. This is what you are paying them for.