Ethnic and religious groups are very active on campus. Queens College also has active frats and sororities. Queens College competes in many college sports and has committed athletes in its student body.
Every semester, Queens College has a Club Day on the quad where students go to learn about the different clubs and groups on campus. There are a lot of sports teams that hold tryouts, political groups on campus like Young Democrats and United People (the current student government party in power), and social clubs like the Italian, Guyanese, Sikh, or Tertulia (Spanish-speakers) clubs. There's also a very active Hillel (Jewish student group) and MSA (Muslim Student Association) that get along very well. There are a few sororities and fraternities that have parties and do charity work, although I've personally never been to any soro/frat parties at Queens College. Off campus, people like to buy Hallal food from the stands right outside the campus gates or go to karaoke bars around in the Flushing area. It's not so difficult to get into the city so people go there to hang out. The truth is it's a commuter campus in a residential area, so there's not much to do. There's a LOT of learning and working in science labs and on-campus jobs and pick-up frisbee or football games when the weather's nice.
There are a variety of groups/organizations/clubs/teams. There are all kinds of sports on campus such as tennis, basketball, baseball, volleyball etc. When it comes to clubs, there are many multi-cultural events. I remember when I organized a multi-cultural party where everyone chose to bring a famous plate of their tradition.
The great thing about Queens College is that it has dorms. They are all new and from what I have heard they are really nice inside. The libraries are also a great place to spend your time in. On finals week they are open all night and free midnight breakfast is served.
The students that excel in their studies are always recognized. There are many honors programs that they can be part in. I am in the National Honor Collegiate Society and in the Business and Liberal Arts Honors Program.
Parties and Festivals are organized by the Student Faculty almost every week. They make sure that they put posters around on campus and that they notify the students through e-mail/facebook.
different students associations often hold various cultures programs.
I don't really know what would be considered the "most popular" but there is a large following in the sorority/fraternity group. There are also ENDLESS clubs on campus, in everything you can possibly imagine. In addition to sports teams.
So I don't think it matters what is the "most popular"... I think it really matters based on what you are interested in- and I'm sure you can find something that promotes what you are interested in. And if you can't, then you can relatively easily form your own club!
I often go to events run by the Hillel, which is campus programming designed for Jews. The Hillel is based on the same floor of the Student Union as the Christian student center and the Muslim student association, which allows for continuity between groups and the ability to mesh. For people who aren't as religious, there are other programs run by honors societies, the gym (if you're the athletic type) and more - there really is something for everyone. There's not much to do at night, but during the day - especially on Mondays and Wednesdays - campus is booming with different activities. My favorite events are Fall Fest and Spring Fest, which are parties on the quad to welcome the new semester. Sometimes there are wrestling rings, soccer games, concerts, ball pits, and more - and everyone comes to celebrate being back in school!
I dont really hang out much on campus or with friends from school. I live too far away to participate in that aspect of "college life"
There are so many clubs, organizations, frats, soros, and so on. Everyone has days they meet, places to meet, and are easilly accessible for more information, or if youd like to join. It is hard to particpate sometimes b/c it is a commuter school & if you live far away, like i do, its hard to come in on weekends or stay all day for night time events.