there are no parties on campus, and there are no dorms
im not ivolved in any groups yet, because of job reasons.
atheltic events arenot popular, there are dances every now and then, but its still a commuter school, nothing much besides school goes on at QC
We don't have dorms, we are a commuter school but there are on going activities on campus all the time. Free music concerts, we have a museum on campus, numerous clubs, activities on the quad, discussions, roundtables, readings, and parties. The campus is definitely more alive during the Spring semester because the weather is nicer, you can be outside, play games, etc. The weekend on campus is different then during the week, its a lot slower.
There are lot of clubs and activities. I have made great friends. We get along well at school...student to student as well as student - professor relationships.
QC is very, very mixed. We have a good ratio of men to women and every ethnicity is represented. In any class you will see Christians along with muslims, and Jews. Every ethnic group is blended in.
We have a good physical fitness department with a great pool, track, gym as well as tennis courts. These are available for student use. We have a considerable amount of parking on campus and are convenietly located...accesible by car, buses subway and Long Island Railroad.
each group is equally popular
events are pretty popular not athletic ones though
not much of a dating scene but there is one
i meet my closest friends in class
people party on the weekends
frats and sororites are important to the people in them but otherwise not that important
last weekend i went out to dinner with friends and movies
Off campus activities such as trips for our geology clases, or nutrition classes, sports
There are no dorms...there are some couples i see around. I met my closest friend on the first day of classes in my first semester. she looked confused and lost so i helped her out. I wouldnt be awake at 2 am on a tuesday i have class at 9..i never really hear about parties here. the sororities and frats dont seem real to me here. my sisters in a sorority away at school and its totally different. sororities here are easier to get into then away at schools. Last weekend I was sick so i did nothing. Sat night- movies, dinner with friends etc. off campus i babysit and tutor and go home,
There are over 100 clubs on campus, including sororities and fraternities. Different clubs host different events and we have a strong thearte department and an excellent music school. There is always something to do on campus. The literature departments hosts many excellent writers. The Geology, Biology and Physics dpartments always have someone speaking. As I went into QC with a boyfriend, I don't know much about the dating scene. I met my closest friends in my classes. I'm never awake at 2am on a tuesday morning unless I have a paper do or drank way too much coffee. I don't think QC has any real traditions. Unless you include club day. Last weekend I finished chem homework and than spent time watching movies with my brother. There is a lot to do on a saturday noght that does not involve drinking: going to the movies, going to a concert, a play, etc. Off campus I try and relax by spending time with friends, family and my dog. I like to hike, camp, etc. But again that is what the student makes of it.
they have alot of clubs.