CUNY Queens College Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


Party scene is nearly dead on campus. People who really party go clubbing and parties outside.


Queens College is a commuter school, so not many students spend their free time on campus. The most popular clubs would probably be the political clubs, the newspaper, and NYPIRG. It can be hard to make friends on campus, and most clubs are very inactive. You can find whatever you're looking for at Queens College, friends, clubs, parties, but you'll have to put a lot of effort into finding them.


Hillel is popular, it's a Jewish hangout. I'm involved with Chabbad and Hillel. There are no dorms so no need to worry about that. Athletic events don't attract too many people here. The datin gscene is the same as anywhere else, you meet a girl that you like and you go out with her. There are many parties organzied by QC students.