Daemen College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Daemen College know before they start?


Everyone in college that I talked to while I was in highschool told me how much I would have to study. There are many distractions and no parental figures are there making sure your homework is getting done, making sure you're getting up for class everyday, and making sure you're studying. I would tell my highschool self that it's harder than you think. Don't brush off the advice that everyone is giving you because all they are really trying to do is help. Eliminate as many distractions as possible and devote time to homework because in the end, that's why you're in school. You're paying for your education now and if you don't get the grades you've wasted your money. You'll only be hurting yourself and your future if you don't give 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} all the time.


Everything seemed to be so important, the smallest decisions seemed colossal as a high school senior and choosing the right career path and school was all I thought about. However, going back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, now being a college senior, I would urge that 17 year old girl is go out and take more risks. College can be whatever you want it to be. There isn't an adult making the rules because in the four short years of college, you're transforming into an adult. Take more risks. Be bolder in everyday situations and make connections with important individuals. Have more confidence in yourself and your abilities and congratulate yourself on the small victories in life. That is what I would tell my high school self. As I go into my last semester of my senior year and on to graduate school, I'll remember that advice.


That advice that i would give myself is to be careful with the school im going to choose ,because is my future and my life.When you are ready to pick the college is because you already did research about it,all the good and bad things about the college you are planning to go, dont let nobody to rush you or intimidate you.You need to learn a lot about life in college and the area where you are going to be for the next four years and the money you are going to spend on it.Check the sports and activities that they offer.Education is very important for you future.


Apply for scholarships! I never did as a high school senior and now I am regretting it. Also, I wish I woudl have just started out with pre-med in the first place.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would want to tell myself to spend more time looking forward to college and less time worrying. Aside from the high cost of college- everything else is going great. I have succeeded with a 3.8 GPA my first year and I was recognized for my excellence in biology and asked to work as a biology tutor to spread my knowledge and passion to other students. I spent time worrying about the change and how difficult my course load was going to be and I lost sight of the fact that i'm a determined and intelligent individual and i succeed to the best of my abilities. I would have been able to enjoy my senior year more and created more positive memories, like I have during my freshman year of college.


I have learned that there is more than one way to do things, and more than one viewpoint and opinion and it is important to see all sides before taking a stance on a matter


I have met so many new people from all different aspects of life. There are so many opportunities to thrive and succeed at Daemen. The required core competencies, as well as the main classes, help breed well-rounded men and women who are ready to conquer society and make major improvements and leave their mark. Daemen also encourages study abroad, which I very seriously plan on enrolling in to study across the world and find out more about other cultures and ways to interact with people. I know coming out of Daemen that I will be well prepared and confident in my career as a Physician Assistant, being diverse in my studies and having many great memories that shape who I will become.


College has really opened my eyes to things I did not see before I started in the Fall of 2009. the first thing my eyes were opened to was how much I needed to work on my writing in order to bring it up to the college level. With the help of my professors my writing has greatly improved, and continues to improve with each passing day. My eyes were also opened to the world around me thanks to Daemen's IND-101 class. At first I thought it was a silly class, and that I shouldn't have to take it, but in the end it really opened me up to new experiences going on around campus. This class really helped me to get over my shyness, and make some new great friends, as well as make me more aware of the events occuring in the world today. It has been valuable to attend Daemen for me because it has made me a well rounded person, who will be go out in the world ready for all life has to offer, because Daemen is preparing me for all the experiences, and surprises life will to throw at me.


The first year in college is the biggest transition that most students will ever undergo in their educational careers. As a science major, I found my first year to be extremely rigorous. In high school I was used to being an "A" student, but when i began to struggle in some of my college classes I panicked, which caused me a lot of undesired stress. If I could go back in time I would tell myself to relax , focus, and not get discouraged if I made a mistake. Although I was enrolled in college-credit courses in high school, the actual college experience was very different and more demanding than what I had been exposed to. I mainly studied alone in high school, but if I could go back I would tell myself to find a study group of classmates who were well-focused and productive to go study with. I found a group and it really helped me to improve my test scores. As for making friends, I would tell myself to hang out with students (mainly in my major) who understand my course work-load.


From what I have experienced already in college, there is a great deal of information I would tell my self in high school. First, I would discuss that college level course work demands a good work ethic and many hours of studying for each class. In high school you may be able to pull of an A on that test by cramming the night before but not in college. Getting into good study habits with high school classes definitely eases the transition to college level academics. Furthermore, grading policies in college are far different from high school. Where in high school one may take a make-up test or quiz or perform corrections on an assisgnment, college grading often involves a one time only policy, and the grade may consist only of a few exams. I would recommend always working hard on any assisgnment to ensure success. Lastly, one of the biggest things I would recommend to my previous self is to get involved within the school and the community. High school provided time to socialize, and get a sense of a posssible careeer. Being involved makes the transition into college enjoyable, easy, and creates a well rounded person.