Daemen College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Daemen College know before they start?


If I could go back in time, to when I was a senior in high school, I would tell myself a lot of helpful information about college and how to transition. I would tell myself that I would need to stay career orientated throughout my college career because losing sight of your goals can happen quickly in college. I would also tell myself that a B- is okay, and not to pressure myself to get all A?s because I don?t want to burn myself out, and in the end not get as good of grades. I would also recommend to myself as a high school senior to really start focusing on time management skills because in college it is not all scheduled out for you, independence is key. In being an adult in college the first semester will seem very difficult but if you get a grasp on what is the most important to achieve in college, you hopefully will succeed and be successful in your studies. I would also tell myself this one last thing; that college is a place to enjoy your young adult life as you learn the skill sets for your future, so enjoy.


More than paying attention to friends, getting one's assignments done in a timely manner and creative thinking are essential if success is desired in college. Procrastination may seem the easy way out of not doing homework at the moment it is assigned, but it comes full circle in the end. The prolonging of an assignment means it is most liekly done at the very last moment, which in many cases, results in poor results and bad expectations of behavior in classroom settings. Being able to think creatively allows for many different approaches to studying and test taking skills to enhance and enrich the learning environment. Creative thinking also allows for creative problem solving, which is not only essential but desired in classroom settings. Being able to see the most effective way to handle an assignment or debate a topic in class has amazing ramifications later on in the semester. In combining both a timely manner in assignments and creative thinking allow for the best work ethic possible in college. Being able to get things done is good, but to get them done in a way that the professor is proud makes a student proud of the work.


I woud say, try harder for high grades to get a higher award but not to consider it all important for nothing is more important being happy and satisfied with high school life. I would enjoy the college applications and visits knowing the right choice will be apparent. I would say take time to know thyself and everything will workout in the end.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself that Daemen College is nothing like Brooklyn College. You have to work much harder and be even more dedicated to your school work. Just because people suggest something to you, don?t let people make decisions for you. You are your own person with your own brain and can think for yourself. Don?t just pick something or do something because it pleases others. You need to please yourself before you can even think about pleasing others. Whatever you do don?t let guys get to you. Your school work comes first and you don?t need any extra stress or problems on your plate. You also need to study. Study like your life depended on it. Also don?t be afraid to ask for help. As soon as you see yourself struggling get a tutor or ask your teachers for help so you can have a successful, stress free, first semester at school.


If I could go back in time, I would have taken more AP courses. Even though it is hard work in high school, it is definitely worth it in college because it saves you a lot of money, as well as preparing you for the difficulty of college courses. I would have also relied more on myself to learn and research information, rather than on my high school teachers because college professors expect you to do the majority of the classwork on your own. The amount of homework I received when I went to college was a rude awakening. In high school, you are expected to complete small homework assignments. It would have been nice to have done a few large papers so that when it came time to write my first fifteen paged paper I wasn't stressing over it. Even though classes in college can be very demanding and difficult at times, a college experience is definitely worth it. You learn to balance your social and academic life, which are both of equal value. Sure it would be great going back knowing what I already know, but that would take the excitement out of this fascinating new experience.


I would have just attended a community college at first. I would have liked to start out playing volleyball at a 2 year school as opposed to starting right out at a 4 year college. The people I have met there have been amazing but if i could do it all over I would have chosen a community college.


I would let myself know to go to class more often, study more, and listen to my parents. They've already gone through it and I should have taken their advice on being a better student. I just would like a better reputation.


It is best to pick the right choice of college you will like to attend, because if you just settle for any place you will never be happy and enjoy your life experiences and the things you like to do. College is basically the first day of the rest of your lives so you should make the best out of it. If you never care about choosing the best college and profession that makes you happy, once you graduate you may feel that all your hard work was for nothing and you will end up working a job that is all work and no fun for you. College is not for everyone and some people do not get the advantage like others to go to college so it is great to take advantage of that opportunity and make the best of it for your career.


I think the most important part in finding the right school is first; making sure that the school offers majors that you are intrested in; second, you have to like the people you meet around the college and third, you need to feel safe and happy on and around the campus. This will be a place for the next 4-5 years you will be everyday. Make sure you fit in. Check out the activities offered on campus and groups there are to join. Make sure that you will not feel afraid to open up here and make this place your home for your college career.


I would suggest looking at a wide range of colleges. Small and large as well as public or private. If you options are too narrow when the time comes to choose you may be very unhappy with not having a broad spectrum to choose from. Also think about the kind of people you want to be around. If the school is artsy or academic or athletically focused, that may give clues to the type of people you will be living with.