Daemen College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Daemen College know before they start?


Applying to college can be a stressful process, but finding the right one can be even worse. When trying to find the right college you have to think about what you like as a student. It all depends where you feel comfortable and where you know you are going to enjoy the ride for as long or short that it is. Every person is different and likes different things, so when looking for the right college, just sit down and think about "YOU". So, visit several colleges before making the decision and get to know each and every one of them, you will see that it will make it a lot easier to make that life changing decision. When you are finally in the college you want to be, just enjoy the ride the most you can. And with this I do not mean to sit down and wait for everything to come to you. What I mean is to get the most out of your college experience. Learn, make friends, get involved, and please do not forget to enjoy the ride safely, because remember it is a life changing experience that comes around once, and once only.


Don't think about the moeny. In other words, don't let the amount of money sway your pick of an intitution. Almost every college student has loans.....All that should matter is how you personally feel about a college. Don't let moeny stadn in the way, you won't regret it. A good education does'nt have a price limit.


Parents think of what right for your child not you. This is their life that they are molding and you want them to be happy wherever they go with whatever they do.


Money isn't the most important thing when choosing a school to attend. The education that the student recieves is what is most important. Lately the economy has been very stressed about money situations, but I think that when it comes to college, the cost isn't what matters. I come from a family who has been on welfare at some points, yet I still chose to attend a private school. It is way more expensive than I can realistically afford, but I know that in the long run, it iwll be worth it. The college I chose is very expensive, but the college is also very focused on helping students get jobs after they graduate. I know that with the help of the college I chose, I will be able to pay back all of my student loans. My education is the most important thing to me, not money.


Look for a school that is right for you. Don't go to a school because all your friends are going there. Pick the college that has the major you want, the most financial aid, and has the class sizes you're looking for. Make sure you study and take notes. College is a lot more work than high school. You have to earn the grades, by completeing all of your work and make sure you understand the concepts being taught. If you don't understand something talk to your professor. He/she will try to help you any way they can. Don't be a workaholic though, leave some time for you to relax and unwind. Go to a football game or other activity once and a while.


Don't choose a school based on what you read about it. The words you are reading is just someones personal opinion and, once you actually see the school for yourself, your opinion could be very different. You shouldn't choose a school based on how often parties are or the male to female ratio, but rather the feeling you get once you step onto campus. That feeling should be the deciding factor. As for college experience, don't think twice about anything. If there is something you have always wanted to try, try it. You could find that it is something you really love and make a lot of great new friends at the same time. Never have any regrets.


If you plan on living there spend the night there at least once! It will give you the inside scoop of how college life will really be at that school and wiil make your decision a lot easier! And also don't let the cost of a school scare you, if you have the grades, the college will take care of you, just talk to financial aid. And finally don't be scared of living away from home, it will be the best thing you will ever do for yourself garunteed.


Find a school that not only has your major, but other subject areas that you are interested. Having that back-up plan in mind, stay with in reasonable distance from home ( it is helpful when you need something). Make sure there are many oppertunities for extra-curricular activities. And finally be open to new experiences. Have fun, it will be some of the best years of your life.