Pick a good school.
Look for what you like. Think about the environment to enjoy to be around and then make a decision where you want to atted. Basically think about what you like and go from there and remember if you dont like it there is always another chance, so don't get to sad if the first one is not the perfect fit for you.
I would advice students to make sure that you feel like you are home when you arrive on the campus. This is the next four + years of your life and you want to make every second worthwhile. College is a time to explore and discover new and exciting things; try everything the college has to offer at least once and you will see a world of opportunities. However, college is challenging and is a different world from prior schooling. It takes time, dedication, and love for what you are major in. Make sure that the college you choose has faculty that you can trust and will teach you what you want to learn. No person can tell you what the right school is and therefore, make sure you visit the schools you are interested in and meet faculty, students, and even attend classes. Lastly, apply to multiple schools you have interest in and never think you do not have the grades or money to attend a college, there is always ways around those issues. College is an enormous step for every individual and it is extremely frightening, however, once your there, it is the most amazing time of your life.
Make sure its right for you
Visit as many colleges as you can before making your choice. You'll know which college is right for you the second you walk around for the first time.
When I was looking at colleges I looked too much into the specific degrees offered. I originally wanted to get a bachelor's in Marine Biology but due to these schools offering this degree being to far away I decided to stay local. I am going for a bachelors in biology now. I find that there is such a variety of classes offered in this curriculum that the student can experience. Students have a broader range of knowledge which offers more job availability when graduating. I am looking into graduate school and with a degree in biology I have the right pre-requisites to apply for a variety of master's degrees. Even if you know for sure that you want to be a marine biologist, I believe from personal experience that you are better off getting a biology degree and then going to get a masters in marine biology. These days you need a masters to get a good job any way. Good luck and remember, look at more than just the degree offered at a school. You need to like the school in order to succeed.
Look at the whole picture! Don't get stuck looking at just the specific program you think you'll major in when you're a senior in high school. Make sure the school has a variety of programs that suit you so even if your first choice doesn't work you, you can still make it at that institution!
don't be afriad to try new things.
The best advice i could give to parents and/or students about finding the right college would be not to hold back. If there is a college that you love and you know it will give you the most opportunities to learn, then go. I would not choose to overlook any college due to financial circumstances or distance from home. I attend Daemen College, and i could not have choosen a better college for myself. My financial situation is not the best, but through financial aid and schloarships, they made it possible for me to attend my number one choice. I knew Daemen has the program I wanted and I knew they would help me start my future career. I am so happy with my choice and I am thankful to all my friends and family who told me "Don't hold back".
The best advice I could give parents and future students in college would be to picture what your life would be like if you went to the college you are looking at. Are the class sizes right for you? Are you going to be happy living either on campus or off? Does the school offer the right program plan for your specific career goals? Overall are you going to enjoy your college years? If you can say yes to all of these questions then you have chosen the right school for you. Once you are able to feel comfortable in your environment then nothing can stop you from succeeding.