Davidson College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Davidson College?


we work too hard, we're rich


That everyone is a nerd and that all we do is study.


They are always stressed out They are self-absorbed They talk too much about their work


We're rich and stuck up.


Preppy, Southern, Smart


Some stereotypes are that Davidson is an exceptionally academically challenging institution, and all students here are very hard-working and overly concerned with grades. There also might be the stereotype among certain groups of people that Davidson is a very conservative, preppy, southern school.


Some stereotypes include that Davidson students work really hard and that we're snobby or elitist.


Davidson students are probably known as very hard working, dedicated students. When I was applying I heard that Davidson students work hard and play hard. Davidson students are probably known for having type A personailities and for being very involved in lots of extra-curricular activites. I think some people stereotype Davidson students as preppy and affluent.


The stereotype is that Davidson students are nerds and all we do is study because our school is located in the middle of nowhere.


nerdy, FRIENDLY, hardworking, involved