Davidson College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Davidson College?


Rich, snobby, overworked, stressed


rich, preppy kids spoiled-they do our laundry studious hard workers intellectuals


One of the stereotypes is that Davidson is very southern, preppy, from rich white families.


There is a stereotype that all we do is study in the library. Although that definitely applies to some Davidson students, I think most students have quite balanced social and acadmic lives.


We are all very smart and hard-working.


That we are all dorks who work constantly and never, ever go out.


nerdy, lame, preppy


davidson girls aren't pretty work hard, play hard mentality


I feel like Davidson kids are stereotyped as being rich, white, boarding school kids. There are definitely those kids here, but I don't necessarily think that they control the entire student population. We also have a reputation for having hard academics and no social scene. While the classes are hard, and learning to manage your time is a must, it's nothing that can't be handled. And because of the difficult classes, people are always looking to let loose and have some fun on the weekends. I feel like we have a great social scene here.


Work hard, play hard