My own advice would be to figure out exactly what you want from a school (small vs large, residential vs off campus living, D1 vs D3 sports, greek life vs extracurricular clubs, east coast vs west, in-state vs international, etc...), and then apply to numerous schools adhering to these guidelines so that you have a selection of schools in mind that you think you will like. However, I also advise you to apply to one or two other schools that are completely unique and fulfill a few of the guidelines you laid out, but not all of them. This way you will have a variation in case you change your mind at the last second after being accepted to all your schools and you will have more options to choose from. Furthermore, do not claim to have fallen in love with a school without spending a full day and a night there to get a real feel for the academics as well as social aspects. Most of all, good luck and don't stress out too much because there is somewhere out there for everyone and you'll know what's right when you're there!
Look for a school that really grabs you. If your trying to convince yourself you either like or dont like a certain place, your probably going about your search completely wrong. Take a few visits and after a while youll likely find yourself comparing the different campuses and environments, to one specific school. Thats the one for you, the one by which you judge the others. I didnt even really want to look at my school, and it happened to be the first one that I visited. Afterwards I thought it was alright but then as I started looking other places I realized that other colleges didnt compare to it. I am completely satisfied with my decision
Don't let anyone else influence your decision. It is the student's choice were they want to go. Ultimately, the student will be happiest, and most successful if they are at a school that they want to go to and have no regrets about choosing.
When making the final decision remember to consider not only the academic programs and the school itself but also the surrounding area and whether or not it's someone you can really live. It can make your school life a lot harder if you're trying to survive without all of the stores and amenities that you're used to back home (especially your first year). Be open to change because you may end up switching your major (even if you've wanted to be a doctor since you were 3). Don't forget to live a little bit while you're there, too! Making perfect grades isn't worth it if you're totally miserable while you're doing it. Relax and have some fun. Also don't be afraid to transfer (I did it!) if you feel like you may have made the wrong choice. Sometimes people change once they leave for college and they end up looking for something else in a school. And a word for the parents: be there for when your kid wants you, but don't insert yourself into their life if they don't. We have to grow up sometime :)
I would tell parents and students to find the right size college for them. I think that the size of the college is what really matters because the rest is what you make of it. If you like having a very large group of friends that are not very intimate then go for a bigger school. But if you like having a smallgroup of intimate friends and always seeing a ton of familiar faces on the way to class, go for the smaller school. Class size also makes a difference in these two types of schools, if you want to have a close relationship with your professor so that they can provide you with outside help and if you want a small class that really allows you to discuss and not just be lectured at, then a small school is for you.