Currently I am not attending college due to family problems that I am having. My parents are getting a divorce, my mother left town and lives with a new boyfriend, I am ending up getting kicked out of my home by my step-father and his girlfriend and having to find a place to live. I don't have any family or friends that I can stay with so I am on my own. I do plan on attending a community college for nursing next fall in East Peoria, IL and continuing on to the nursing program for OSF Saint Franicis Medical Center in Peoria, IL. Therefore, I would tell myself to apply for as many scholarships as I could, attend college IMMEDIATELY, and be prepared to work extremely hard. I have two jobs and pay for all of my own bills. It isn't easy at all.
You're starting a new chapter in your life and try as you might you will never be fully prepared. Though you're a nervous wreck to leave home and be on your own, be excited. You're going to struggle at times and that's okay. No one expects you to be perfect. Freshmen year will be one of the toughest years of your life, but I promise as a senior you will look back on those times and laugh. I know you're in a hurry to grow up, but slow down. Time goes by too fast and these are the years you will cherish, so make sure to enjoy them. It won't always be easy and there will be times when you'll want to run home to mom. Trust not only in what mom and dad have taught you, but trust and believe in yourself. You can do this. College will test you, but you're much stronger than you know. At times it won't seem worth it , but you will leave college a strong, confident, and independent young lady. Your personal growth will amaze us all, and I've never been more proud.
I would have told my High School senior self to apply for more scholarhships and get out that horrible habit of procrastination. College is a completey different ball game. Everything is completey independent and there are no teachers babying students asking for assignments. You either do it or you dont. I also regret not getting sometype of scholarhsup for my first year in college. I regret it everyday but you live and learn. Experiences makes us become better people. We have to go throught the pain and struggle to actaully see for our own eye to see how things are like.
Throughout High School I was usually made fun of and or Bullied due to my weight. In High School I had very little friends and was not sure if I even wanted to attend a College however my parents helped motivate me to go. If I could go back in time to talk to my past self I would tell him that it would have been the worst decission of my life. Attending College has been a life changing moment for me. I go to a school where I can call dozens of students my good friends. I would help motivate my past self to not worry about all of the bad moments that I had to deal with in High School but to become ready for a new beginning. Iwould have also have told my past self in Freshman-Junior year to have done better grade wise. In High School I was a B to B+ student, now looking back I know if I put more effort in I know without a doubt I could have been an A student. Most of the kids who made fun of me are now college dropouts so I now laugh at them.
I'm not a, "would-a, could-a, should-a," person. This past year has changed that but only in ways that would better myself, of which are never too late to change. I wish I would have challenged myself more in high school; taken harder classes, worked longer hours, studied more for my SAT's and ACT's. I wish I would have explored my options for outside of Nevada. I wish I believed in myself enough to know that I was and am bigger than the small town I grew up in. I wish I would have taken more time to NOT sweat the little things, and never take them for granted, either. I wish I was able to spend more time with my father, who passed away of cancer a month ago, three days before we were suposed to take a family trip to see my oldest sister graduate from Tulane University. I wish I read more, learned more, experienced more. Now, I'm happy and able to get up every morning and work to pay for school, work to learn. I only wish I would have taken more time to believe in my own future.
i would try to get my G.P.A higher
If I was able to go back in time to my high school self, I would have a lot of information to give. I would take my high school slef to a library and explain my actions. I would tell her to not give up art no matter what and to do your absolute best while in high school. I would also tell her to look up more scholarships and to join extracuricular activities id possible. Also, to do the best work in Wilson Technological Center.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would impart the advice I wish I had listened to at that time. First, I would reassure myself that if I were not ready to board away at college, then attending a local community college would provide a wonderful first stepping stone to college adjustment. Those first two years provide the gift of time needed to mature and to learn where your major interests are. I finally understand that it does not matter where you start from, which school you attend first, since this is all part of the journey. If that journey can be less stressful, then it is a wise beginning. My other advice would be: major in what you love! As a freshman, don’t worry about exactly which career you will pursue upon graduation. Don’t worry that it may take you an extra year to graduate. Give yourself time to adjust. Although that may seem like a long time, it will not be, in the long run, when you consider that college years are a part of achieving your life’s dreams.
Every freshman should make sure that they know EXACTLY what classes that they need to take, and should not depend on ANYONE else to help them. A sheet that tells them all of thier classes can be picked up at student services.
Talk to your professors. It will make a difference in the end.
Do not buy books from the bookstore. Get them online. (every college bookstore is expensive)
Go to the events. There is always something fun happening. (or free food!)
My college experience so far is shaping me in the independant woman I am trying to become. It has teach responsible, wisdom, and given knowlegde. This show me I can accomplish anything I set my mind on.