Dowling College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Dowling College know before they start?


If I could go back in time, I would try to make astrong emphasis on telling myself to apply for many scholarships including athletic scholarships. I would have also recommended to apply to more state schools because of the low tuition costs. I believe that if I participated more in extra curricular activities and made a stronger commitment to varsity sports, I would not be in the hard financial position I am now in with my numerous private student loans. Although I love Dowling College's size and warm community of professors and students, I do wish I could have known the full extent of the debt I would incur by attending a private school on Long Island. If I could do it all over again, I probably would have still chosen Dowling, but I would have tried to be more financially prepared.


The advice I have for my high school senior self, given the ability to travel back in time, is centered around work load and personal health. College is hard, and some high school students will not believe how much time and effort is necessary in order to achieve a decent grade, but, too much work is unhealthy. Taking time to study and complete assignments before the due date is key, but socializing and taking breaks is also important to some degree. Money is tight, and paying tuition bills is stressful, but overwhellming yourself with too much work and not enough relaxation can cause multiple health problems in the present and future. Sleep is also extremely important. During my first semester, I would function on less than 5 hours a night of sleep, and rely heavily on coffee to continue throughout the day. Over time, the coffee does not work, the stress is overbearing, and you begin to feel sick constantly. Continue to work hard and achieve the goals that are necessary, but stay aware of your health and learn to manage time in order to limit stress.


If I were able to travel back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would inform myself that there is practicality to high school and to try harder. I would also inform myself that the college one goes to has a significant impact on one's life, and to research all of the schools with programs in philosophy before I settled. Finally, I would tell myself to try and earn as many scholarships as possible, since tuition is rridiculously high and student loans are incredibly oppressing.


I would tell myself not to blindly go with the flow with everyone. Stick to what you enjoy doing and don't be afriaraid of what other might say or if you fail. Asa human, you are subjected to make mistakes to better yourself. If you let doubts and fear lurking in your head, you have already failed to succed in your future. Take afterschool sports or get together with healthy based friends so you know who you are and find out what makes you, you. We are all the same but our uniqueness is what makes us more interesting and strong.


I would highly encourage for the parents and student to encounter on a tour of the college, and if possible to speak personally to current students at that college to ask them of their honest opinions of the school. Go to the finanical aid office and the registra office to also inquire more informationof the school. Make sure to ask LOTS of questions no matter what! Even though you might think that you are annoying them with questions, it's still best to ask because this is YOUR investment!


First, I would say Make Sure You Go!! Even if you are not entirely sure of what to major in or where you want to be in ten years; go somewhere, start somewhere. If you don't you may never go and that would be a disappointment, you owe yourself to go. Once you're there start some core classes and ask questions, get exposed to new ideas. See what you can do with different degrees and really work to find answers. If you already know you or your child is definitely going to college, make a list of what is really important. In fact, both of you should make seperate lists of what you want out of college. There are so many to chose from there Will be one out there that is right for you, you just have to have an idea of what is right for you. Pay attention to location, class size, activities, curriculum, religion. Don't be afraid to visit, visit 50 if you have to. The steps you make could start the rest of your life, make the right ones and make them important because your important!


Be sure to select a college that not only pertains to your career choice, but a college that you can see yourself enjoying academically and personally. Remember that although you are a college student and an adult, you are still your own person and you deserve to be in a college where you can enjoy yourself. While it is important to work hard and earn good grades to keep up your GPA, but it is also important that you do not overwork yourself and end up having a burnout. You want this experience to be rewarding and enjoyable, not unbearable and ruthless.


Make sure you go to a college that is fun and has a strong focus on academics. Your only a college kid once. Be sure to live it up!


I think that finding the right college is about what you feel is right inside. My father wanted me to go to a less expensive school just to get by and then apply to a four year school. I disagreed with him and here I am today working 2 jobs and going to school full-time just to save up to pay for college. I think that going away to college is a good thing for some students, I believe that I would be a different person if i went away and would have had different experiences but I do not regret staying home. The one big thing about going to any college is that you must get involved and make friends or you won't have any fun. When you visit a college you want to say, "I want to go here". You have to have the feeling of being in you home away from home, then you know you made the right choice.


It is imporant to visit and attend orientations before you make your final decision on a college. The college must fit the views and comfort of the individual attending, and be sure that there are effective counselors there to help you through the process.