Dowling College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Dowling College know before they start?


Visit many colleges and explore all aspects of it. Living on campus will make the most out of your experience.


To be perfectly honest, no one has the same college experience even if they attend the same university. Everyone responds to tasks & assignments in their own way and at their own pace, and it takes some students longer than others to adjust to college and refine their time management skills. But the main thing that will determine your overall college experience is the major you choose to pursue. If your a science major like I am, the subject matter is going to be very fact intensive and your freedom is going to be severely limited compared to students with different majors if you want to maintain a decent G.P.A.. I would advise students that are undecided to pick a major they might be interested in and just go for it anyway. Even if you switch, the worst thing that would happen is that you would use up some of your electives. But it is a lot better than leaving all of your major classes at the end, and having a ridiculous workload for the last two years of your bachelor's degree. If your dorming, do your work in the library to avoid distractions.


The best advice I can give to parents or students looking for the right college is to find one that truly speaks to YOU. Do not just apply to colleges that have the best name or reputation simply because you want something to look good on a resume. Instead, find a place that speaks to you and your own personal journey. Does it suit where you are going in life? Does it feel like a place you'd love to spend the next four years or so? If so, you've found the right college. Certainly there will be road bumps and lots of trials along the way, but try and make the best of it. Get involved in clubs or sports; go to school sponsored events and shows. Make friends and even get to know your professors (yes, they can be cool too). There will be times you want to rip up your 20 page papers and cry in frustration, but just grit your teeth and work at your hardest. But, most importantly, have fun and make the most of your college'll be missing your college days when you get out into the "real world" !


Make sure you visit the schools and talk to current students not just student embassadors because real students will tell you the truth not just sugar code it.