Eastern University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Eastern University know before they start?


When I started college at Eastern, I was a nursing major. Nursing was a major I knew would make my parents happy, and it was also a major I knew would get me money and a job. This was a good enough reason for me so I entered into the nursing program in the fall of 2012. As time went on, I grew to hate my major. I slowly realized I hadn't entered a major I was passionate about, but rather a major that was practical and boring. I was close minded and simply did things to make my parents happy instead of to make me happy. Half way through my Junior year, I decided change to a major I was truly passionate about; music. My parents were less than thrilled. They withdrew all financial support due to this decision. If I could go back and tell my high school senior self one thing, it would be to go after what makes you happy. Go after what you are passionate about. Open your mind, for there is a world of possibilities that you will experience soon. The world is much bigger than the corner you have experienced.


If I could go back in time and talk you myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself that college life is more challenging than I thought. I would also tell my younger self not to be intimidated by the deadlines presented on the syllabi because it will be manageable to complete my degree program with high honors. I would tell my younger self to stay consistent in my studies and continue to make an impression on professors and faculty.


If I could go back in time to before I went to college, I would advise myself to apply for more scholarships while I still had the time. College, especially my school, can be very expensive, and I did not realize just how much money I would need. I would also advise myself to not pack as heavily as I did. Half of the things I packed I ended up not even using, so it just takes up space in my dorm room. Lastly, I would advise myself to not put off my packing until the day before I left. Having to pack everything up in one night was a very stressful process that could have easily been avoided if I didn't procrastinate on it!


I would tell myself to talk to my guidance counselor more and utilize all the tools that she had. Even though I was stressed about where I was going to college or what I was going to study, I need to just enjoy the ride and excitement because it is not going to last long. I would tell myself to listen to my mom more, she knows far more than I sometimes I give her credit for. I need to start slowly with taking college classes, and allow myself to get used to the college work and schedule.


Dear Robin, Do not worry about the small stuff because it will all work out in the end. I know that you may think that your future looks bleak now, but college will shape you into a better person. You will meet the most amazing people in college and they will become your lifelong friends, so do not worry about the silly high school friends who hurt you. You deserve the best education out there and you have earned it, so keep your head up and be positive. Do not let anyone tell you that you cannot do it, because you are a fighter and you always try your best. College helps you become more confident in yourself and teaches a lot about leadership, do not be afraid of that. Love yourself and ultimately you will be happy in college. Do not worry about not making friends because you will attract the best people. You are an amazing girl, do not ever forget that. Let your faith and intuition guide you in making the right decisions and ultimately you will be happy. Keep your head up and smile. Don't worry about money either, God provides.


I would tell myself: Do not be afraid to take chances and go out of your way to help someone out. There are people in need all over the world and what many need is someone to simply listen to them and make them know that they are loved. These will be memories that last. Do not forego any opportunities when it comes to jobs, friends, or serving others because of worries and fears. Looking back, you will ponder why you even feared in the first place. Lastly, fill your life with love and make love radiate from you through your actions and words. Remember that you have been strengthen and empowered by Christ and through Him nothing is impossible.


I think I would have told myself to focus more on the academics of High School and not so much on the clubs and activities. I wish I would have the time to search and fill out more scholarships so my financial situation would be better off than it is. Other than these two things, I really feel that I was ready for college and transitioned well.


To my high school self, don't wait until the last minute to study or do homework! Staying up until 2 or 3 and having to get up for an 8am class is not fun. Also, don't be afraid of trying new things, you will make new friends and memories that will last a lifetime. It is alright if your opinon about something changes; that is a part of growing up and being out on your own. Don't judge others based of the first meeting, oftentimes they are just as nervous and scared as you are. If you are doing bad in a class and have done everything you can to do better but it still isn't working, drop it; don't let your stubborn pride stand in the way.


Believe in yourself, you are smarter than you think you are. Love yourself, no one will love you the way you can love yourself. Stay focused, you can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens you. You are great and you have so much to offer the world, do be discouraged by the challenges you will face, they are there to only make you stronger. Accept the things you can not change and move on, most of all have faith and hope and you will succeed. Put God first above everything.


Looking back on my high school experience and who I was as a person at that time, I would never go back. College has shaped my life more than anything else. It has made me happier, healthier and more motivated than I've ever been. Knowing that the transition into college scared me to tears during high school, I would tell myself 'don't worry, they future is better! ' I would quote Jeremiah 29:11, as common as that verse is, its words are the best comfort to those going through the scary transition: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future." When I was a high school senior, when the world and my future was so uncertain, I needed to hear that God had a plan for me and that His plan would be good. He still has a plan for me as I go into my senior year of college, with the hopes of a good career and a bright future ahead of me, those words are as relevant to me today as they were then.