My college experience is amazing. I like all but one of my classes and my professors are truly good people and love to teach. I have made good friends. I go to a Christian university and I am very happy with my choice. People are truly accepting me here. It is so valuable for me to go to a Christian University right now for me because I am a very fragile time in my life. I truly believe that if I wasn't here, I wouldn't have grown like I have. I have gotten so much out of what is being taught. I am not the smartest and do not always test the best but I try really hard. I am learning core issues and I can use what I am learning for a life time. If that is not valuable, I do not know what is. i have gotten more patience living in a college dorm and I have learned more about myself. If I do not know myself, I believe that that would be a hard place to be. How can you have relationships with others if you do not know oneself?
My college experience has taught me to ask deep and, sometimes dangerous, questions. Questions posed to the purpose of life and the dignity of humans and the meaning of justice. I continue to ask these questions for there is no end in the pursuit. These questions are eternal and integral to what it means to be a human. College has taught me to own the beliefs and stances that I have. They are teaching me the importance of understanding why I believe in what I believe, that it is my own decision, not that of my parents or my friends. Forming your individuality and learning how to live as an upstanding man or woman in society will allow you to benefit your community and our world through your occupation and your interactions in your neighborhood. College has been invaluable to me. I have been blessed to be surrounded my friends who accept me for who I am and to have professors who care more about my grade and are interested in my well being. I am learning to be an individual and to live in a supportive community of others who desire to pursue the good in life.
So much to do, so little time seems to be the statement all college students can identify with. I find myself thinking this quite often. I have schoolwork to do and things with the clubs I am in, and limited time. One thing I am learning with this however, is time management. I am learning how to use my time wisely to accomplish all I need to do while still choosing to make time to spend with friends. This is an important skill that will benefit me for the rest of my life. After I graduate from Eastern I will have many things to balance such as my job, paying bills, volunteering, and possibly a family. Learning time management now will affect me positively since I will probably have several tasks to complete at a certain time and a limited schedule throughout the rest of my life. Attending college has helped make learning this skill possible.
For me, the transition from high school to college was quite easy. I made new friends fairly quickly, so that was a huge factor in my transition. That would have to be my advice to myself. If I could go back in time and tell myself what would make the transition easier would be to make friends, and make good friends, quickly. Even being at a Christian school there are alot of students that are not honorable people. I would advise myself to watch out whom I befriended and hung out with. I also would tell myself to depend on God a lot more. I can definitely tell when I should have depended on God for a test, or something of that nature, because of the outcome of the test. The two things i would advise myself to do to make the transition easier would be to, make friends quickly, honorable friends, and to depend on God and what he wants for my life.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself when I was still in high school I would tell myself that college is BIG. It is a big deal, a big opportunity and a big adventure. It is something you do not want to miss. I would give myself a real heart to heart about how if I did not go to college my life would be missing something special. College is first and foremost a big adventure, usually reserved for young adults, that gives you an opportunity to do and say things you may never get the chance to do and say again. College is also a big deal. While you?re in high school teachers and parents give you lots of redoes, colleges do not. When you?re a freshman every college might still accept, but by the time you are a junior many of those schools have already closed their doors. So do yourself a favor and study now to keep your grades up. Lastly college is a big opportunity that not everyone gets. A college degree can adds thousands of dollars to your potential income and can make you a better educated person.
If I could return as a high school senior, I would have given myself more opportunities to learn my strengths and weaknesses and tested more limits, in a good way. I did everything by the book in high school and it was difficult for me in my first year of high school to just socialize along with all of the other pressures of going away to school. I also would have inquired about community colleges to feel confident with the responsibilities of college before going away to school. Telling myself to go outside of my comfort zone to challenge myself in areas I was not strong in would have helped me to build a part of my character that would have helped me better deal with the stress.
Hey Aaron, You have no idea what God is about to do in your life. Right now you are planning to go to Deltech part time and that's okay. But it will take you longer to complete a 4 year college that way. Do you really want to still be in college at age 24? You will be able to learn so much music and have so many contacts at EAstern because it's near Philidelphia. I know you think taking a year off is the best way. But just consider how much fun it is to live on campus. Also, you will mess up 2 classes at Deltech due to procrastination and lack of effort. Those low grades are hard to change. Remember to seek God for every decision, no matter how small. He will be more faithful than you imagined. You are a gifted musician and God will use you at Eastern. Hang in there and enjoy the ride.
If I were to go back to high school I would advise myself to balance my schedule. Set aside time for fun and studying. That can be difficult in college because you are surrounded by people your own age 24/7, but both are imperative.
I would also tell myself not to worry. In high school all I did was worry about class difficulty, finances, and starting all over at a new place. I would tell myself to relax and that it would all be fine. Classes are about as difficult as AP classes in high school. As for the finances, I would say that it will all work out in the end. There's no use worrying about loans that have to paid in four years. Just get settled in and worry about money later. I was really worried about making friends and fitting in, but in college everyone finds somewhere to belong and it's nothing to worry about.
Lastly, I would say school is a place to start over, you can be anyone you want to be, just make sure you are true to yourself and don't take the next four years for granted.
I would tell myself that it all matters everything that you do in high school will reflect on you even extracurricular activities so be sure to put all of your heart and soul in everything you do. For those who spite you forget and ignore them they are ignorance wrapped up in skin there is no one but God and yourself in this world and it is yours for the taking and also don't be afraid to speak out against those who sckold you because of the way you look including your parents but keep this in mind your time to shine starts now but don't let impair what you're in school after. Be who you are because that is all you can be but you are amazing and you will become a light in this dark world. Forget procrastination, remember proclamation what you want to be an Astronaut for the United States of America.
I would advise myself to attend a Community College or other local, two-year institution before attending a four-year university/college. This would have given me a chance to transition into the university scene and to know which direction I wanted to take my life. On a more personal level, I would have advised myself to just be me. I would give the same advise to anyone entering college or making the transition to be themselves and accept the person who they have become. When someone tries to change their personality or their values for other people, it creates a false sense of security, which ultimately begins to crumble once the person continues to grow. I would encourage everyone to become more comfortable with themselves and who they are so that when they start college it would continue adding positive chapters to their personal book of life.