Edinboro University of Pennsylvania Top Questions

What should every freshman at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania know before they start?


Look into a bunch of different colleges, and see what they offer. Compare colleges, and narrow down your choices. This will help you find the right school to attend.


Do alot of research. Make sure your kid can find something that they will enjoy before they apply. Otherwise school can be a miserable time. If the student is unhappy, then learning won't happen and time and money will just be wasted.


Dont choose a college just because its close to home and cost less to attend.




Students looking for a college to enroll in should research a number of different schools and visit as many of them as they can. Parents should be very supportive with what their children are doing. Prospective students should choose a school that has the best academic programs for the field of study that they plan on getting into. Find an atmosphere that you feel comfortable in; you will be spending a lot at college. Try and contact some faculty members and talk with them to see how accommodating they can be. Finally when you get to college make it a point to meet as many people as you can. Be open-minded to other peoples views, and enjoy life because the next four years go fast.