When thinking about the college process the most important aspect is visiting schools. Be sure that when you visit a school you are interested you sit in on a class, talk with faculty in the department you are interested in, eat the food on campus, talk with students (beside just your tour guide), and be sure to check out the dorms (not all tours go in dorms - and some just show you one of the best buildings). If students around campus don't answer your questions or aren't friendly then it may not be the right place for you anyway. I found that visiting schools over the summer did not accurately reflect the school, mainly because the campus was deserted. Also, sometimes visiting on huge visiting weekends where there are hundreds of other high school students there can seem overwhelming, and almost like you are at a show, rather then visiting a community. Try to visit on a regular weekday, that way you can get the best idea for what the school is like.
Visit. Visit. And then visit again.
Parents, let your kids choose. Trust their instincts. Students, have the times of your lives.
Find something you really like, like location, size, weather, money, and look into those types of colleges then just apply to ones you think you might like (especally after you visited them if you like them). Once you get accepted, you will pretty much love where you go and be happy with your decision, and if you don't like it you will know what you didn't like about it (maybe didn't have your major, too far from home, too small or big) and just transfer to a school that you then realize fits you better. You will definitely love it then.
Take your time when you are looking at colleges. It is important to ask as many questions as you can and learn as much as you can about each college.
Don't stress. Don't worry about which school you're going to. Don't worry if you'll like your classes or not. Don't worry if you'll be able to make new friends. College, like life, is what you make of it. No matter where you go, you'll meet some people you like and some you don't; you'll have some classes that are fun and some that you hate. Work hard and be yourself, and you'll have a positive experience wherever you go.
The one piece of advice I would impart on every student or student to be would be just this: This is the beginning of the rest of your life, so make it YOUR life, not anyone elses. I spent so much time trying to mold myself into what I thought was an "acceptable" image and learn "appropriate" behavioral patterns that I forgot who I really was on the inside. The moment you see that light, hear that harmony, and know that truth, you will find happiness. I am happier now as a Pre-Law student who doesn't go out every night than I ever was as a slacker who partied all the time.
Parents, let your kids live. You won't always be there for them and they need to succeed/fail on their own, this is the safest time for them to do it, when everyone else is finding themselves too!
If you truly love something, do it. You can always find money, but it's hard to find true happiness after it has already passed you by. Seize life! Seize happiness, and most of all, seize the opportunity to make your dreams come true.
In many cases, the right university can make all the difference. However, this does not necessarily mean that there is only one perfect school. Attending college is about more than academics. It is a place to grow, mature and meet friends. Learn as much as you can and make educated decisions whenever possible.
Visit the campus of the college you are interested in and interact with the people. You will know.
Trust your instincts about schools- if it does not feel right for you, then don't consider it. Apply early to ensure that you don't miss any deadlines.