Don't let anybody tell you where to go to college. Pick the right school for you where you know you'll feel welcome. College is a place for you to find who you are and what you really truly love in life. When you find the school that's best for you, you'll know. Make the most of your college experience by balancing studying, sleep, and socializing. Surround yourself with friends that make you better, stronger, and happier, and you'll be sure to have the best four years of your life!
"40 colleges that change lives" by loren pope
There isn't just one right school out there for you. It's all about making the best of a situation.
There is so much pressure on students to go to a prestigious college or university, but it is important to remember that the biggest element is to be happy with the school that you choose. There is a college out there for everyone and it is important to remember that when it comes to the college process, everything happens for a reason. Once you get to college it is crucial to be yourself and be open to all possibilities. College is a great time for self-discovery and getting to know yourself away from the safety of your family and friends that you had become accustomed to. Take risks, have a great time, and work hard because it will all pay off. College is a great experience that only comes around once.
When looking for the right college, always try to find a school that offers all of the majors that you would possibly be interested in. Also, learn about the financial planning office and all of the options you have for earning money on and off campus. Be sure that the school guarentee housing for all four years, because some schools do not guarentee on campus housing for juniors and seniors. Lastly, be completely sure that the things that are important to you are properly represented. This is very important because nothing hurts your adjustment more than being disppointed and unhappy about your choice.
Choosing a college that is right for you is a very difficult and stressful decision. When choosing a college, I suggest focusing mostly on class size and the availabilities of the professors. Every school is likely to have an active social scene, however each one varies in the quality and accessability of it's faculty and the size of classes. Personally, I chose a smaller school with small class sizes because I feel that having a personal relationship with your professor is important in succeeding both inside and outside the classroom. With smaller classes, professors are able to get to know the students on a much more personal level, and therefore able to give them personal help with the material they are teaching when it's needed, as well as recommendations in the future for jobs and internships. Professors have a lot to offer, and getting to know them personally is the best way to gain access to their wealth of knowledge. Once a student arrives at their school of choice my best advice would be to get as involved as possible. It's a great way to meet people and find your passion.
I think it's important to remember that a school's reputation doesn't dictate the effect it will have on the student. So many people are desperate to get into well-known colleges with the belief that the school itself will ensure them a bright future. But in reality, it's the individual - the lessons he learns and the choices he makes - that makes a college experience worthwhile. It's ok not to know exactly what career is right for you as you enter college, but try to utilize the many opportunities in college to explore different areas of interest. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Also, even though social life is an important part of college, don't forget that you're ultimately there to learn and gain specific skills to apply towards any and all of your future goals.
Look past the popularity of a school and look at its history, its campus traditions, and the things that make it unique and special. If you choose a school based on this, you're guaranteed to enjoy your time there. Take advantage of every opportunity your school has to offer. It's one of the only times in your life when opportunities to try something new will be available with such frequency and regularity. Go to cultural events and speakers; get involved in philanthropy organizations and give back; take lots of pictures and thoroughly document all your experiences; be completely open to new friends and ideas; take classes you didn't have the opportunity to take in high school and allow yourself to fall into your life plan, rather than force it. You're going to grow and develop as a person because of what you experience in college and you want to make sure you graduate as a smarter, more well-rounded, and better person for it. Lastly, don't take anything too seriously. You're not an adult quite yet, so enjoy this last chapter of your adolescent life with as little stress, disappointments or regret as possible
I would advise parents and students to visit the college first and get a feel of the atmosphere. Ask questions and research major posibilites. Look into study abroad and other programs the university offers as well as the size of th university.
The most important thing to do is to visit the school and preferably visit it with your parents once and then again without your parents and spend the night. It is important to stay over night at the school and attend some classes to really get beyond the typical college tour and really understand what the college is all about.