Elon University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Elon University know before they start?


I had no idea where I wanted to go until the minute that I stepped on Elon's campus. As much stress and preparation as we are told to put into "the college process" theres nothing that can compete with your gut instinct. College is your home for four years as much as it is your school, keep that in mind and you'll make the right choice. The most important things that I have learned about myself and life in general have not been taught to me in the classroom. My best advice to you is not to apply to a million different schools because "your dad went there" or "they've got a great business program" but instead to take some time to get to know a handful of schools really well and then apply to those. Always remember that college is just a stepping stone to the next stage in life and in order to make that transition you have to remain true to your gut instinct, and guess what, if it doesn't end up working out, you can always transfer!


Finding the right college is difficult but what I found helped the most was actually visting the college campuses. As a student you don't know how you feel about a place until you're actually there. Seeing the faces of the people who are already students and conversing with them helps tremendously with the decision making process. As for making the most of the college experience, the best thing to do is to get out there and meet people. Once you get the hang of managing your work load, a person should get out there and join in the campus activities whether its a sports event or just a social gathering. Most of the people I made friends with in college were through these types of things. My campus was constantly holding forums or had ice-breaking events like an ice cream social. At first these things may seem boring or uninteresting but you don't know until you try. So my advice would be to try everything, whether you think you'll like it or not just try it and you will have the best experiences in college.


Make sure you visit the school before making the decision. Also., figure out whether you would go to large or small school, and if you can pay for the tuition in a reasonable manner.


Look at ALL possibilities. See the big schools and the small ones. Look at urban vs. rural. look at diverse schools and homogenious ones. When I looked at schools I never even considered looking at a big school, but now i feel suffocated by the mear 5,000 on my campus. People grow and change so much in the fist year of college, and that growth also needs to be taken into account. Look at where you have come from and think about where you want to go. Its important that you not only see yourself at a school your freshman year, but for all four years of the traditional college education. Choose with your head, but also your heart.


It's not always about finding the "right" college, but seeing how well you can adapt to a challenging situation. There is never going to be a perfect school, and there will always be dissatisfying aspects, but it is possible to be satisfied at any school you choose. College students are very resilient, and we can usually make the best out of any situation, do do not stress about finding the perfect school.


The most important thing you need to do is to find out who you are. A social person won't feel as wanted in a sober research school and a researcher won't feel welcome in party heavy school. Picking YOUR social outlook is the most important thing, as not only does it affect your schoolwork, but that of others around you. If you choose wrongly, you will be depressed and resentful which will make the others near you feel like their perfect school is not good enough. Plus, you would have to go through the pain and embarassment of a transfer to where you should have been the first time. Academics can be overcome through hard work if need be, but where you fit socially is what will define you in your college life.


The college experience embodies so much more than just academics. My one piece of advice to parents and students who are trying to find the perfect school is to look at the students who attend the school. While your number one reason for being in school is to become and educated individual and attain a sense of civic responsibilities, just remember that you are sharing your experience in college with other people. The other constituents at any particular University are what truly what make-up a school. If an individual is unable to fit in with fellow students at a give University, there is no opportunity for this particular person to learn and grow. The etymology of the word "college" is the Latin "collegium", or society; learning at the college level transcends the walls of rooms in buildings along campus. One will carry with him/her the the knowledge learned from his/her colleagues - such is the essence of a true "college experience".


Choose a school based on the programs you want. You can bbe happy anywhere as long as you have the opportunities you want. If you want to study abroad, have a certain academic program, or be a part of the greek community, those should be top reasons for picking a school.


Visit as many schools as possible before making your decision to see if you feel at home there. Make sure you are ready for the academic demands before selecting your courses and major. Ask for help from the school officials if you have any problems. Try to get along with your roommates. Make friends as soon as you get there. You'll need them!


Visit the schools and do over night visits at the school you're most interested in.