Emory University Top Questions

Describe the students at Emory University.


The campus is diverse, yet segregated. All the white, blacks, and asains only hang out with people of the similar race.


There are a lot of different social groups at emory and I have interacted well with all of them. I think someone who is very religious would feel out of place at emory because it is not a religiously oriented school, particularly for Christians. If there were four tables, most of them would be wealthy students who are either from florida or new york. These students would be relatively aware of political conditions and would likely be liberal. A lot of students talk about how much money they will earn at some point.


Everyone gets along on ccampus. There are no students that feel out of place, there is definitely something for everyone to do. Students wear regular clothing to class. Everyone interacts, Emory is very diverse. All of the tables are probably equivalent, maybe one has a bunch of kids from a certain frat, and maybe they are divided by sex, but for the most part, they are equally diverse. Most Emory students are from the New York, Boston or Miami area, but there is a huge international student population. I would say that the most prevelant financial backgrounds is the upper-middle class. Most students are not politically aware or active. The majority of students would probably be left of center, but there is also a lot of students that lean to the right politically as we are a school in the south. No one talks about how much they'll earn one day.


I do not think different types of students interact. Mostly, you stay with your friends who are like you...athletic, white, black etc. But I dont think this is a problem, I feel this is the way any school is like.


All the similar people end up in clicks. Every has their own group. You see the occassional mix in racial groups and religious groups, but mostly it ends up every1 getting in their own groups. No one would really feel out of place at emory. THere is a group for everybody. People who study alot, people who play sports alot, people who dont go out, people who love to go out, theres pretty much anybody. THere isn't too much interaction between different groups, unless it is with greek life, where there is plenty of interaction with everybody. The no interaction isnt really a big deal, no one has a problem with being with their group of people.Students are generally politically aware, but not because of emory influences, more because many of the kids are of that nature to be aware. Many kids are right wing, but ive seen my share of everyone.


Most of my friends also tend to be white jewish and wealthy like myself. Poor minority. sweats guys and spandex girls very casual. to some extent but most ppl tend to be with kids like themselves. koreans only talk wit each other, black ppl stay with each other, and everything else is mixed up. New York area, DC, and Atl. Wealthy. Students for the most part keep up wit politics and prob more right. No


i havnt noticed any student body problems. its a very welcoming community.


There is a large Jewish population on campus and a small close knit black community. It is possible to get involved in both if you put yourself out there and leave your comfort zone. There is a broad spectrum of socio-economic classes on campus however, probably most students are fairly well off. Students are not very politcally active or aware. Students discuss future incomes occasionally.


All groups are included and have a place. Korean studetnsfrom korea tend to hang out with each other and black students tend to hang out with each other. Economically, most people are affluent. Other than that, there is a lot of diversity. Studetns vary in political activism.


No student would feel out of place at emory we really do have a variety of people. There is some segregation though,