Emory University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Emory University know before they start?


Throughout College, we might think that there are a lot of things are studied in vane. I don't think that way. When I first started College I was sure I was going to be a Plastic Surgeon, by my second year I was completely sure about studying Advertising. College helped me to mature in different areas of my life. It made me a more responsible person in a lot of ways. College has given me the opportunity to explore different areas of study and helped me realize what I really wanted to study. It has given me the best friends ever and a beautiful experience of trail and error. Everybody chould go to College. Its the besty way to really know what you are made from.


To be honest, I have gotten a large reality check about the real world. It was easy for me to not even realize how sheltered I was from adult like problems throughout high school. College experience has been valuable to help me gain my independence as a real adult. It has also been valuable for obvious reasons pertaining to the fact I am getting higher means of education. All in all, college experience for me is challenging and pushing myself to be a better student and ultimately a better individual.


As and older student I love the college experience at Florida State University. First are the new school the new town. Second is the intensity and reward of learning. Third I learned the new solving skill from professors.


College is great for students who want to achieve a responsiblity of going out on their own and finding their way in life. The friendships that are created will last a lifetime due to interaction through classes, social life, and struggles that are common between the college students. Examples of struggles are pulling "all nighters" due to studying for final exams, managing your time wisely, and fitting the mold of the student. The information that your brain retains through college is a privelage that one should appreciate. Many people do not get the chance to attend college and experience the "college life." I have many friends now that never went to college whom are now stuck in their careers with no education to fall back. They all wish they would have went to college to recieve the additional knowledge a college student recieves.


I have gained knowledge. Knowledge of academics, varying cultures, and even life itself. Emory is a rigorous academic institution that has a wide range of opportunities for its students to excel. I greatly value the time and efforts that the professors put into teaching both inside and outside the classroom. When I look back at my first semester of college, I ama amzed at the amount of information that the professors were able to teach their students in a short amount of time. Furthermore, the students are able to express and take pride in their culture as well as being able to experience the festivals and/or the religious ceremonies of a great variety of cultures. For example, at Emory, the Indian Cultural Exchange group organized a Diwali festival including food, dance performances, and even fireworks. Finally, college has taught me the value of money and the difficulty of a job. Through federal work study, I have been able to work and experience a little bit of what work life is as I have never held a job before. To summarize, college has been a very valuable experience in which I have gained more knowledge than I expected.


Cinderella stories aren't just for movie screens and kids books. Sometimes it can apply to real life too, like it did for me. In high school I was clumsy, awkward, and was as sociable as a turtle in its shell. Due to this, my peers generally steered clear of me and I had very few friends. The summer before my freshman year of college, however, I decided that I wanted to change myself into the person that I want to be: funny and sociable. So I kicked my shyness to the curb and took advantage of the fact that no one from my high school went to my college, so I could start life literally anew. Now, I have more friends that I can count, friends that I know will stay with me for life. I love how college lets you throw yourself out into different situations so that you can really find out who you are and who you will be. My first year of college was the most impactful year of my life because I really found myself. I wish I had developed this confidence sooner!


During the past four years in the exciting setting of Atlanta, Emory offered me an opportunity to explore new ideas while fostering a sense of idealism that the world can be a better place, that philanthropy can make a difference, and that diplomacy cannot only end wars but also prevent them. Although we live in hard times, Emory became a buffer for me to grow and mature, but most importantly, to hope of a brighter future. Emory University has even provided me with the opportunity to work in dignitaries like President Jimmy Carter. As I close my chapter at Emory and move on to the unrelenting waves of the real world, I hope I never forget the most important lesson that I have learned, that good intentions may not always win, but they can never lose.


Coming out of my first year of college, I have learned the importance of having balance, faith, and focus. I am not a typical college student. I have spent my entire life as an over achiever, working my hardest, and being the best, so that I could have the opportunity to go to the college of my choice (Emory University). The problem was that once I finally got there, I fell into a downward spiral. I let the freedom of being a college student get in the way of my commitment to my studies. And the contentment that I was supposed to have found in excelling in my classes, I thought I could attain from the inside of a pill bottle. Although I am now back on track to achieving my goals and continuing my education at the school of my dreams, I will never forget the hardest lesson that I ever had to learn, and the most important thing that I got out of my college experience: time is precious, and once it is gone, you can never gain it back. Therefore, the decisions that you make must be beneficial to whatever you are working to accomplish, nothing less.


I have had a diverse college experience thus far. I attended a fine arts college for two years, took two years off, spent a year at a public university, and now will be attending Emory University to finish my undergraduate work. This has allowed me to mature and discover my strengths and weaknesses. I also now have the capability to be secure in my choice of major, as I have taken the time to explore and decide what I want. Throughout this, the most valuable thing has probably been that I now understand the value in a strong college education in a way I didn't in high school. Thereby, I put much more effort into my studies, and enjoy the entire experience that much more.


The first year in college introduced me to the next level in education, a variety of people from different backgrounds, and organizations that became a part of my life. The challenging classes at Emory University taught me a different way of thinking and how to view certain events. It has broadened my perspective greatly and positively. Besides the classes and education that I have gotten out of my college experience, the various people that I have met at college have been the most valuable to me. Not only the friends, but the professors offered themselves to be great help for us. They not only gave advices on our classes but also in our college lives. I moved from South Korea about 5 years ago, and since then, I had no interactions with Koreans. But now in college, I have found a new way of socializing with Koreans, and it has been one of the most interesting events that I have experienced in my life. Emory Univerisity offers so many opportunities to me, both academically ans socially. The first year in college has been the best one year in my life.