Emory University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Emory University know before they start?


My experience at Emory not only provided me with a well-rounded, high quality education, it provided me with personal skills to be a successful, organized, and motivated individual. The Emory staff always maintained very high expectations for its students; this taught me to always go above & beyond. Do not settle. Set goals, work towards them, achieve them, and contine on. You will hit rough times, however, there is no reason to quit. By upholding this philosophy, I believe that I can create change in the world, help others, achieve my personal and professional goals, as well as always continue to learn. My education at Emory was priceless, as it has created a foundation for my bright and successful future.


College was a fantastic academic and social experience with great challenges and achievements in study and social ventures.


If I were to be able to go back in time and advise myself based up the experiences I have encountered, I would have done things vastly different. Jennifer, don't alow yourself to be distracted by people around you who do not have your own values and determination for success. Life, and school will have its difficult days but you must not allow the challenges to sway your futures desires and dreams. Don't be intimidated by someone who knows more than you and seek a mentor who is where you want to be to guide you to your goals. If it is your dream to continue your education stray away from taking too much time off before you return back to school. The longer you are away from exercising your brain in a academic setting the harder it will be for you to return or adjust when you do return. Lastly believe in yourself because you can do anything that you put your mind to.


The American minority experience can be draining but also intellectually stimulating when given enough room and respect to think about one?s own ideas. Growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood and later in a mixed environment of Hispanics and African-Americans, there was never a way for me to ignore what my friends learned at Bible study, the pounding reggaeton blasting in every CD player, or the different political identities they developed through each of their experiences. Whenever someone asks, ?Where are you from?? to which I reply ?Florida,? the immediate response I am given is, ?But where are you really from?? The second question usually comes from a place of utter disbelief that a brown girl with my features could be American. However, after coming to Emory, I have observed how differently, and openly, American minorities are received, how in every individual, the physical and intellectual outlooks as a single entity distinguish their values and convictions as the diversified American. As a high school senior, I would have told myself that my "non-American" look only reminded me that I am a child of many cultures, absorbing beliefs and differences of philosophy, and in that way, very American.


be very careful on who you hang out with because you are not going to make new friends after first year. and study hard because it's all money. money is such a big mess. it's a problem.


First and foremost, college is not high school. It is an entirely different ball game and doing the best that you can is what really counts. There are going to be young adults from many different parts of the world that are going to challenge you to be your best. Realize that grades do NOT define you. As long as you honestly gave everything you had to give, be happy with yourself. Secondly, get involved! High school often defines a place for all of us, but college is really where you can be independent. Branch out and try things that you would normally be apprehensive towards! The newly found independence can often swallow us whole. Remember that you always have a support system at home, and they are only a phone call away. Not only is it hard for us to adjust, it's hard for parents to let go. Use the campus resources; that's why they are there! Professors are actually human, believe it or not! Usually they have the most experience on campus, and often times have the best remedies to get through the day. Just stay true to yourself, and who you want to become.


Calm down, Jenn! Everything, even getting accepted into college, making friends, and doing well in classes, is going to run its course and you will be okay. I know that you're a wreck now, contemplating how you're possibly going to manage being away from home and succeeding with school. But trust me, since I'm going through it now, that everything will fall into place. I do have a few pointers though. First, make sure that you apply yourself in every aspect of college life: classes, friends, extracurriculars, and volunteering. I know the classes aspect of that four-part map is what's most important to you (it still is, even in college!), but keep in mind that finding the right people to associate with is vital as well. Remember, don't change who you are or alter your moral standards just to fit in-- you're stronger than that. Stick up for what you believe in and you'll find the friends who will really make you happy. Also, stay involved in activities outside of class, like diversity groups and volunteering around Atlanta. It will help you spread your wings as well as keep you grounded!


"Why doubt yourself?"- I took the advice very seriously, because one's future self does not travel backwards to share advice often. As talented and passionate creatures, humans must engage and explore while they still have time. A college experience provides a blossoming human with intellectual, physical, cultural, spiritual, and social pathways to embark upon amongst a large group of similarly motivated people. Unfotunately, I now recognize that students rarely take full advantage of the endless and diverse opportunties offered at college. Such failed capitalization results from an inclination to doubt oneself in the face of numerous unfamiliar activities and commitments, such as the Classical Guitar Ensemble or the Debate Team.


College life can be a time of great change and new experiences. Don't be shy about meeting new people and trying out all the new experiences that are available. Distancing yourself from others just because you don't know them is a bad way to start out your college experience, but you must also watch out who you hang out with to not get dragged into things that you know are wrong. Try to find people who have similar tastes to you, but also try to do at least one new activity each term to broaden your horizons. Living away from your family is going to be difficult, so it will help if you set up a regular time for calling home and seeing how everyone is doing to keep yourself from getting homesick. Make sure you get plenty of rest because the classes will be harder than you are used to, and try to find study groups to help you out when you are having trouble in a class. Get to know your roommate well if you have one, because having someone to hang out with will make the change in your lifestyle easier to manage.


Based on my experience at college, the best advice I could to myself as a high school senior would be to ask questions. I think the biggest problem that I have had with transitioning to college has been learning how to ask for help when I?ve been confused about decisions concerning my academic life. I would encourage myself to email teachers when I was excited about their work and to make more connections based on intellectual or academic interests. I would emphasize that I should email more often in general and try harder to keep in touch with people. When I was transitioning to college, I didn?t realize how much of my life would come to involve academics. Staying on top of my responsibilities at school is always more fulfilling when I?m keeping up with my work and enjoying the people I?m around. I would tell myself to welcome the changes or challenges and to be excited about the incredible opportunity to learn with great professors and amazing friends.