Fayetteville State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Fayetteville State University know before they start?


Be prepared to work hard and know that nothing comes easy. Friendly people, social events, and other activities are going to occur. Remain focus and do not let any of those areas interfere with your studies. Become active on campus and get your face out there amongst your peers. It can be very helpful in building up social skills. That way, when applying for a job, they will see how you can multi-task and work well with others. Try not to let personal situations (gpa, family issues, financial problems) lower your spirits for your future. Keep in mind that up's and down's are a way life and nothing can stop what you are going for. College is what you make it, so enjoy yourself.


The advice that I would give myself would be to take your future seriously and strive to be the best that you can be. Let your goals be your main focus. Make plans and set goals that are both short term as well as long term. By short term, I mean within the next 12 months to 5 years. Seek as much knowledge as you can on the academics of college life. Study hard, do your best, don't stress over small things or anything for that matter. Network with positve people who want to see you succeed. Accept constuctive criticism and most importantly put God in your life first; for without Him we can do nothing.


If I could go back in time to talk to myself I would tell myself to start saving money because it cost a lot of money for one year in college, but that wouldn't be the only thing. I would also tell myself to get ready because the transition from high school to college is stressful because I the college life was something i wont use to. Some advice I would give myself would be not to worry on how you gone fit in with the other students and mainly focus on how I am gone get through college life with a 3.5 GPA or better because I want to graduate at the top percent of my class.


Dear L'Asia, although you could have done better these past 4 years, you don't have a 2.8 because you lack focus or are dumb, you are actually intellectually advanced and you just get bored with the public school material that restricts the analysis of books by Erica Jong, Simone de Beavoir, and Jean Paul Satre, your favorite authors whose works the principal probably can't even comprehend. I need you to look deep inside yourself and find a way to blow this last year out of the water. Now that you have your own car you'll be tempted to leave early and go spend time with the cute young soldier at Ft. Bragg, but your future is an entity that will dictate the quality of life for your children and grandchildren so concentrate on community service instead of boys. You've decided to attend Fayetteville State University so all is not lost in brilliant, but confused head of yours. College will be your time to shine! You're going to discover your true passions, exceed expectations and make your family proud...but right now young lady, you need to go to class!


I would tell myself that the need for the knowledge of responsibility is needed to be in college. The college life is not an easy one so if you are not going to give it your all now don't try to walk in something that you are not ready for. I would explain to the best of my ability that trying to please everyone on campus is impossible that i only really need to hook up with friends that will try to oversee my development in calss instead of picking the wrong crowd and trying to be cool instead of forfilling my obligation to school. Trying to meet the right female will come but in time trying to rush things is only going to prolong things first get established as a man and to finish school I have plenty of time to find the right one for me. Money is something that we dont have time to wast and I would apply that to time, if you wast time then you wast money. I would also let him know about getting a job to save up for things that I would need in the future. Don't wast time.


LaQuetta please pay attention and listen to your teachers! Everything is not a joke and college will be the best thing that EVER happened to you.


I would decide to go to school right after High School, instead of going to work. I would also tell myself that by going to college my self esteem, capabilities, and my motivation for living would be set on fire. I would also suggested staying at home, while attending college, in order to save money and keep me motivated to be responsible and accountable.


Find a major that you will enjoy for the rest of tour life to avoid going through so many transitions. Never say what you will not do in the future, you may just end up doing what you said you wouldn't. Always find at least one good friend in college, sometimes they are there when no other friends are. At this point in your life your parent or parents and instructors should be your best friends(three words: grades, money, and support !!!!!


Seeing as I did not apply anywhere or plan to attend college at the time of my senior year this is rather easy. I would have applied to more college and took my scholarships I had gotten in Florida instead of getting married to a miltiary man right after graduating. Another thing would have been to not hold back do what makes you happy, living on what others want and expect of you does nothing to make your life long or happy. When you start college dont party to much it really will be more trouble than its worth. Last but not least if you are not enjoy something weather it be a class or activity dont do it find something else; hold back on dating you have time for it later college comes first. You can do this is what I would tell myself and I can!


I would tell myself to apply yourself more it will pay off in the end. I would have tooken high school more seriously and took the time to get better grades that would have allowed me to be accepted to many colleges and actually have a pick rather than to be accepted to one and having to go to that one school.