When trying to find a college you need to make sure that it is a place that offers what you need for the degree you are working toward. Also check to see what is offered to students as far as extra ciricular activities, meal plans, tutoring, etc. It also needs to be a place that the student feels safe being at & that is well protected by security!!
Do what pleases you
I would tell any student or parent that no matter what school they pick to go in an advance and see what it is the the school has to offer. Also see how it is that you see the life of the students, ask students that are walking by to tell you what it was that they most like about being at that school. Ask questions to teachers, adminstrators, and students they will always guide you in the right path. But most inportant go with what u feel is the right place for you.
My advice would be to choose that best you from cost of tution, your field of study, and the character of the school. There is alway that one factor that a school to stand out from the rest. When you choose the right school, you will know because you will feel good about your decision. College year are one of the best parts of your life, so make the best out of it. You only go to college one time in your life.
The best advice that I can give to parents and/or students is that you have to let the student pick what they want to do. Even if parents believe they know what is best, it is really up to the student. Students, when you go to college, you can't get discouraged. It's going to be hard and your going to miss your family, but stay focused. And remember school is really what you make. If you go to school with a negative attitude or negative outlook on things, your not going to have the best experience that you can hace. And also don't fret about the price. If it's a school that you really want to go to, go. Don't let anything stand in your way.
Some advice that I would give to parents and/or students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is to make sure you have options. In other words, apply to as many schools as you can, the more the better. Also make sure you do your research on the schools as well to make sure they have exactly what your looking for.
Do reasearch on school and see what major do they offer and see if the major is accreditted
I believe that you are the one that has the ability to make the most of your college experience. But of course, finding the right school starts with a lot of patience and your time. I advise that you utilize every resource there is in a potential school to observe it in all aspects--environment, academics, diversity--whichever is important to you. If you really want to know what your classes are like for example, the best people to talk to are the students. When talking to the students, I recommend you go to different parts of the university to talk to students as well as find people to talk to at different times of the day. If you are uncomfortable with talking to strangers, you may also contact an advisor from the school. However, keep in mind that although advisors are people who may seem to understand a school the most, their job is to "advise" and not to convince you. Ultimately, a positive attitude, proper research, and determination will increase your chances of finding a school that can help you achieve your goals or even help you decide what goals you want to strive for in life.
When searching for the right college it is important to find the college the meets most if not all your needs (housing, financial aid, teacher to student ratio and etc). In addition, make sure the school offers your major and will not require you to transfer after 1-2 years to complete your degree. In order to make the most of your college experience it is important to focus on the reason you are in college; to obtain a degree. Next, it is important to get involved in activities, clubs, and organizations on campus. But be careful not to over indulge in activities which would take the focus away from academics. Be sure to make friends and volunteer on campus or in the community to help you become familiar with the surrounding area. Last but not least, have fun but always be safe!
To make sure to do it carefully, and that both the parent and student agrees on the school.