Florida International University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Florida International University know before they start?


If I had the oppurtunity to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would absolutley tell myself to apply for all the possible scholarships available. I was naive when older students and teachers informed us how important and valuable scholarships would be during college. Now that I have taking out expensive private student loans, I realize how important scholarships are. Other advice I would tell myself is to be sure of what school I would want to attend. To look at alternatives in-state or public out-of-state schools only. I would also tell myself there is nothing wrong with attending a community college for the first 2 years of college as it i much more affordable and you recieve the same amount of credits as you would in a 4-year college. Basically I would tell not just myself but all high school seniors to really think about your future not just 1 year down the line, but 10-20 years as well to graduate and live with the least amount of debt as possible.


First, you are capable, and should fear nothing- God has your back. Forget the fraternities and focus on where you really want to go, what you really want to do. Stay in the military as you are studying, and don't let the loneliness distract you. Get involved in Campus Crusade for Christ, take the exams for certifications in anything you know to do, so you can have the job necessary to pay for school. Hunt down an adisor who will help you navigate financial aide well, so you can get more than just student loans. Finally, don't listen to the recruiter and explore all the different jobs the Army has to offer. But stick with the reserves-- your studies will carry you farthest. Don't be afraid to make new friends or to buy a scooter. Lastly, Join the engineering unit in North Miami, instead of the Medical Unit. Oh, one more thing, remember to love your parents everyday.


I would tell myself to be myself and try your best. I would also tell myself to jump at new opportunities even if they seem scary. I would also tell myself to get involved and give back to my school and community. My school has shaped the leader I am today and that I will be proud of the person that I have become. I would also tell myself that no one cares about popularity or coolness in college so I should not be afraid to be myself because in the end, I will have so many people who love me and have pushed me to personally grow into the woman I am today. Break out of your shell because in the end, becoming a leader and your true self is the most rewarding experience that college has given me. Do not take any of college for granted becasue it goes by so fast and is the best, most life-changing thing you have done so far. College will open up many doors for you so do not be afraid to accept new challenges and push yourself to become the best person you can be.


I would tell myself to concentrate on my grades first semester so that I do not need to spend the rest of my college time fixing my GPA.


Having just attended my 20 year high school reunion, I had the opportunity to rekindle old friendships. In doing so, we revisited our high school days and relived some of the most memorable moments. I was an average student, with average grades, popular and came from a good family in rural Illinois. When thinking about what I would say to high school self, I thought I would tell myself to go right into the army reserves, instead of waiting until I was 24 and I thought I would tell myself to go right into nursing school instead of waiting until I was 29. But, I decided that I wouldn’t give myself any advice that would alter my future. I’m happy with the choices I made in my life and if I would have strayed from the path I took, I wouldn’t have met the amazing people I met along the way. However, to help myself transition to college life, I would tell myself to not take the independence given to you by college professors as an invitation to not do your coursework. It will only harm your GPA and it’s difficult to bring it back up.


Work harder than ever. Don't take college for granted. You'll have the best time learing in college and meet a wide variety of people. But never give up on your education and keep working hard to avoid debts and loans.


If I could go back in time and give my high school self advice, I would tell myself to be focused and to take my time deciding on my major. I changed majors and still was not happy with my degree, as result I went back to school to get a second Bachelors degree, and currently working on my Masters, and I love it. I would just tell myself that no matter how long it would take, get my degree and to be sure that it is something I really want to do and that I am happy doing it. I would also tell myself to stay focused on my goals prior to entering college and not to get caught up in the party scene because they will always be there after college.


Think before you react. Think about how your actions will affect your future.. you only get one chance for an opportunity. Once it's gone, it's gone.


I would tell myself to not get caught up in the bad crowd and try harder. I would tell myself the right professor to take math with and I would tell myself to not take all of the financial aid awarded because of the debt I am stuck in right now. I would work even harder to graduate in 4 years and I would tell myself to make as many friends as possible. I would go to the gym sooner and make myself a better person.


If I could go back and give my high school self advice I would tell myself that college is not as scary as it seems. As a 17 year old applying for colleges, FAFSA, and scholarships, it’s extremely overwhelming and frightening. So much has to be done at one time while still trying to focus on classes and graduation. My advice would be to take everything one step at a time. Work hard, but don’t forget that you’re still a kid; stay focused, but give time to yourself to relax and have fun. Don’t feel pressure to apply to certain schools, or get into certain schools, just because that’s where others are going. Go to the school that is best for you and no one else. College is going to be a great experience whether you go to an in state, out of state, public, or private. Life is 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} what happens and 50{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} how you take it. So wherever you chose to go, whatever you chose to do, just be confident, and do it with a smile. College is going to be great, and it’s going to fly by, so enjoy it.