Just accept who you are and don't be scared to go for what you really want in life. You're only going to hurt yourself in the process by giving into fear. Love who you are and everyone else will follow. Learn to stop caring about people who really don't care about you. And also, you are hilarious. Embrace that. You matter in other people's lives, so stop thinking otherwise.
If I was a high school senior all over again I would try applying for my scholarships, college is not cheap. I would tell myself to look into more colleges, not just the ones close to home and with the characteristics that I was looking for. My school is beautiful, has so many opportunities, is really into the learning environment and do a lot of different things to encourage the students to study, learn and to motivate them. But there could have been other choices. Don't procastinate, I am struggling at the moment to get thigns done that I could have had done months ago. Do things right when they are announced, don't wait.
Leaving to college was just as hard for me as for anyone else, I suppose. However, I found myself in a very interesting situation, I wasn't just transitioning from one school to another, in the same state. No, I wasn't even staying in the same country. I went to high school on a military base, in England, and I had to leave all my friends behind knowing I'd probably never see most of them again. Looking back, I would tell myself that everything was going to be alright, that there were plenty of people that would find me interesting enough to talk to, and not to be afraid of talking to strangers rather than eating alone those first few days. Then I would remind myself, that I pay for this school for my own education, so I need to ignore all the kids from private schools telling me some classes weren't as important, and focus more in math so I wouldn't feel as stressed about my grade when finals rolled around. Don't listen to people saying it's pointless or too easy, just work hard, because in the end, its your education, not theirs.
The advice I would give myself is simple. Reach out and make a better effort to make friends. I have always been sort of a loner. In college that makes it a bit more challenging. It's better to be able to communicate with people in your classes and around campus. I am a quiet person, and therefore am rarely approached by others. If I could have learned sooner how to be more open, I think college life could have been a little easier.
I would say to move to Florida for the final two years of high school so that I could save up money and have the very important in-state residency that saves the students of Florida so much more money than what I am currently spending on tuition! Nearly 3 times as much which really adds up and puts an unnecessary financial burden that dampers the university experience.
Hi, Genesis! I know you are nervous, and I know you are going through a very tough time. Breathe and stay calm- you are a smart girl and everything will turn out better than you except. My advice to you is this: take it one day at a time, don't be afraid to ask for help because you will need it, study very hard and it will pay off, take time to meet people and make connections, allow yourself to grow personally and academically. Attend more events at your college because they'll help you meet people and are a great way to unwind. Go to career fairs to get a taste of what is to come. GO SEE YOUR ADVISORS. FIU has some of the greatest advisors; they will give you much needed pep talks and help you graduate. All your experiences, good and bad, are a stepping stones to a better you. And please always remember you are smart and capable and deserve all the happiness in the world... as long as you believe that college will be much, much easier. Have fun!
Have a lot of patience when learning your new campus. Make as many friends as you can early in college because late on it may be too difficult to make friends. You will be very busy most of the time but make sure you do not wait until the last minute to write a ten page essay. Try to speak to your teachers as much as possible in person so that they will remember you later when you need something.
LaTonya, you need to know that college is not easy. You're going to have to pay for stuff now and you have to be SEVERAL, not one, but SEVERAL steps ahead of everything. I see you're taking your time with applying for FAFSA, waiting last minute for scholarship deadlines, and when you get to college you're going to be so stressed with how you're going to pay for your first semester. If you don't speed up your process you're going to spend more time in the Financial Aid office than class and still not get any of the help that you are perfectly qualified for. On top of that, your grades aren't going to be what you expected. No Dean's List for you. Heck, you won't even be able to apply for the 3.0 Club. You have to be SMART about how you handle life before and after high school graduation or else you will also be looking back at what you did and seeing how effortlessly stupid you were.
I transferred from Barry University in fall 2009 to Florida International University, needless to say I felt lost. It was so hard for me to adjust. My advisors were not much help and I was feeling insecure about many things including my major. My advisors had mentioned to me a few services available like psychological services but I ignored it. My stresses started affecting my academics and I decided to make an appointment at psychological services. I wish I would have not ignored it when it first came my way. They helped me deal with my academic and social stress. I also became more empowered to take control in my academic courses and I joined an extracurricular club: Budokon Yoga Club. My counselor helped me get back on track. I am currently shadowing an Occupational therapist, because that is the career I plan on pursuing and I am looking forward in applying to graduate schools this summer! So if you feel lost, insecure, or stressed I definitely recommend checking out Psychological Services Department! Do not be ashamed to go, you do not want it to affect your academics or yourself.
Stephen, no matter how much you plan out your future, you will never be fully prepared for what the future may bring you. You believe you are headed off towards a successful career as a U.S. Marine, I do not want to scare you, but make you aware of the ever uncertain future, the first week of March of 2011 your life will forever change. You will not already be enlisted the U.S. Marines nor will you ever be in any branch of the military because you will get in a car wreck and your spine will become damaged and your life will forever be more different than you could ever imagine. So Stephen, do yourself a favor and instead of always living for tomorrow, learn to live also for today because the future is not guaranteed. You are finishing your high school career 6 months earlier than most, you are going to have more free time than most people your age and the clock is ticking, you have until March 3rd of next year before you go through the most agonizing pain in your life, not just phyically but emotionally. Live for each day and love, Stephen.