Florida International University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Florida International University know before they start?


What I learned in college was that there is more to life than just finding a job. It's a balance of happiness and realizing your potential. When I graduated high school, I had the mindset that if I went to college I'd be set, everything else will be figured out along the way. But in reality, it's nothing compared to that. College made me realize if you don't take the initative and focus on what you want in life, it will never happen. You learn and grow so much in such little time and it's worth it in the end.


My college experience is amazing. I am only a freshman and so much has happened in such a short time frame. FIU has shown me how to succeed on my own and to have faith in my abilities that may go unseen. This university has surpassed my expectations of what a university should be like. Each day I would come to class or even just walk around, everyone makes you feel part of the "Panther Family". The decision to attend Florida International University was the best decision I have ever made in my life. There is never a dull day at FIU. No matter what corner you turn, it makes you feel better knowing that there is always someone willing to help you out, even if they have never meet you before hand.


The college experience has taught me that it is bittersweet to be an adult. I appreciate independence, yet mourn inability to rely on others every now and then. I have learned to "let out some steam" in creative ways, and have stable relationships with people that may be mutually helpful in the future. In addition to learning how to let my adulthood bloom properly, I have learned how that it is not about where you are going, but how you manage to get there. I no longer fear my career; in my long-term future, I will have seen the many faces of my profession, one of which will be successful, at some point or another.


i learned how to be independent


I have gotten and I am still getting a lot out of college experience i am not only learning educational skills, but also life and interpersonal skills on how to relate with others, manage my time, manage my money and even how to be independent. It has taught me to be independent, I was able to make decisions that would benefit my life and keep me on the right path to success. It has also been a valuable experience becuase I am able to get resources that would help in furthering my education from teachers, advisors, and even my peers. It has been really valuable for me to attend college because I am not only making myself a bette person, but also for this country. It has also allowed me to set examples for my younger one, so that they can all aspire to get an education. It is also valubale because at the end of my education I hope to get job, so I can take care of my mother who is a single parent for all the stress and money she has gone through in order for me to have an education.


What I've gotten of of college is EXPOSURE. Exposure to different types, kinds, of colorful and interesting people of all flavors. Exposure to new ideas. Exposure to creativity. Exposure to new thought processes, new ways of thinking, new ways of figuring out how to make my way in the world. Why has it been valuable to attend? Because the college experience opened up my senses--natural and supernatural; and gave me nsight into how to chart the future course of my life and the lives of those whose path I may cross.


Looking back on the two years that I have spent at Florida International University I can firmly say that It has been a valuable and worthwhile experience. The value of higher education is well known to most. It aids in the advancement of one’s career goals and gives individuals the chance to advance their overall quality of life. Prior to entering college I was aware of its worth but not conscious of its ability to impact my world views along with fostering my social and intellectual development. Being away from your family and comfort zone for the first time allows college to be a time to discover and grow as a person. This distance pushes you to develop your own opinions and thoughts about life that is influenced by the great variety of individuals you meet and the countless new experiences the environment allows for. The college experience is like no other and should be cherished and valued by those that are lucky enough to receive this once in a lifetime opportunity.


Florida International University was my school of choice for undrgraduate and graduate studies. In addition to my academic accomplishment, I was given the oppertunity to work in an environmental research projects. I have gained knowledge of the Everglades Restoration Plan that is why it is important to restore the everglades to its original state. Additionally, I have learned about the influences of hauman on the environment, causes and detrimental effect of the use of certain products. Because of the curriculum base I was able to get over my fair of public speaking, I am able write formal reports, and I have gained valuable work experience that will be considered an asset when applying for jobs.


Since I have attended college as a freshman this year I have become more determined to become successful. Now that I have relaized that the rest of my life after college depends on what I learn in college now , it's mind blowing. That is why I have my mind set on my work because I know that even though the classes may seem hard, I can overcome the fear of potential failure and realize that college is only a stepping stone to the rest of my life and I can only go up from where I stand now. I am confident that I will succeed and help the world become a better place. College is very valuable to me now because I want to accomplish what my older siblings have not yet accomplished because of certain circumstances. I want to be that one who will make my siblings proud and be the example that it's possible to achieve a college diploma. Hopefully I will be the drive that will push them to attend college once again and have hope that they can finish what they started.


So far, out of my college experience, I have gained knowledge. However, aquiring some of this knowledge, I had to make a few mistakes before I learned. Besides the knowledge I learned in class, I learned that too much freedom received to quickly, leads down a bad road. For most people, including myself, it meant not attending class. My freshman year of college I went to class most of the time, but there were some days where I just did not feel like attending, so I didn't. However, because of my poor decisions, I had to suffer the consequences which showed in my low grades. Therefore, this year being my sophomore year, I have turned over a new leaf and am attending all my classes and doing a lot better than I had been in my freshman year. I have finally set my priorities straight.