Florida International University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Florida International University know before they start?


life is a ongoing journey...and I love it!


When I entered Florida International University, I was a shy and average student. I have just begun my second semester at this university and I can truly say that my time there has changed me. The people at FIU that I have surrounded myself with have made anything but a negative impact on my education. The people are accepting and open-minded, which has really helped me to branch out and become as involved as possible. I am a part of the Honors College, which has given me so many opportunities to succeed. I am a member of the honors society of the Honors College, Gamma Epsilon Phi, and through that organization I have been able to do community service and involve myself in campus activities that have really allowed me to appreciate my school as somewhere more than just a place to learn but a place to grow as a person. I have had a lot of fun, my GPA is higher than it has ever been before (3.6), and I am so happy with my decision to attend Florida International University.


I am just beginning my adventure into the college world. I don't know quite what to expect yet...but I am very excited about improving my life with a degree. I am working towards obtaining my special education certification. I hope to make a big difference in the life of special needs children. I have worked with developmentally disabled people for many years in different settings. Getting my degree is going to improve my life and that of my children greatly. The help of your scholarship would benefit me greatly! Thank you for your consideration.


My college experience has taught me to prioritize and organize my time, it has taught me to communicate effectively with a wide variety of individuals, it has taught me to work under pressure but most importantly it has taught me to think. Ofcourse I have been equiped with knowledge related to my major but the afore mentioned skills will allow me to countinue my path of learning in a work place setting more effectively. I believe it is essential to obtain a college education because the path toward a degree teaches us to become disciplined individuals with organization and communications skills valued in any work environment.


My college experience has not been long enough for me to comment on. But at the time I did go, it was a great experience. The value to attend college is beyond any measure of words. It is a feeling that I cannot explain, because I have really struggled to get to this point so I can complete my degree. I have had a lot of roadblocks in my life in the last few years that has slowed me down but I am still more determined than ever to finish my ultimate goal. I have experienced several deaths of family, close friends, and even had complete isolation from a world i was once accustomed to. (Not to mention, I just finalized my divorce too.) In all these things, I am still pushing to fight for my life - starting with the books of individual freedom, and getting a proper education with complete dedication.


I have gained and will continue to gain wisdom out of my college experience. College has been valuable to attend because there is so much to learn about the world in general instead of just college sports & parties. Plus you get to network with other individuals who could possibly be a good contact for you in the future. Getting wisdom out of my college experience is very important, because not only will I have a degree after graduation, but I can be able to apply myself to the best of my ability with knowledge, by being aware of what's expected in the real world avoiding failure and many mistakes. I will have more knowledge to share with family members and friends which could play a huge role in them attending college. I came into college with a high school education, & I plan to graduate college with more knowledge about my country & foreign countries by reading and interacting in discussions. College is also valuable to attend because when you further your education, your basically furthering your chances at success and mainly opportunities. I will continue to seek & enhance my knowledge, as well as invest in my education. I love school :)!


I have gained a lot of knowledge through college. I have become a well rounded person with knowledge in many areas. In addition I have learned to manage my time very well.


I have received acceptance in college, even though I am older than most students. I have also been able to share my knowledge and experience to others in the classroom to help them better understand the material that we are covering. It has been an invaluable experience for me and with a degree I will be better suited to be a part of the future workforce. As an older, displaced worker I know how difficult it is in todays economic climate.


Neither my father or my mother went to college. I've seen my dad get denied a raise countless times because he did not attend college. Because of this, I saw that in todays world it is almost necessary to attend college to get a stable job and continule climbing the ladder. I am currently a freshman at a community college and plan to transfer to a 4 year school and eventually enter medical school. I have learned so much in my first semester. Perhaps the most vital lesson was that I learned I could accomplish anything I want to. Despite struggling with medical problems and a poor household environment, I earned a 4.0 for my first semester! College has taught me to believe in myself, and also to believe in others. Everyone, staff included, have been more than willing to help in anyway they can. Therefore, the second most important lesson is to take the iniciative to ask for help and ask questions you want to know the answers too. If you play and active part in your success, the staff will too!


great memories, friends and an affordable college eduucation